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The name of this organization is LONE STAR CHAPTER - NAVAL CRYPTOLOGIC
ARTICLE II — Purpose and Objectives
The LONE STAR CHAPTER — NCVA is a not-for-profit Naval Veteran organization
that promotes the fraternal, social, spiritual and recreational environment of the United
States Armed Services; primarily the United States Navy. Functions include
    a.      Conducting periodic reunions
    b.      Advocating a strong and adequate U.S. Armed Forces sufficient to
             maintain security interests worldwide
    c.      Supporting efforts to preserve and strengthen the security of capabilities of
             the Cryptologic Elements of the Services and the Department of Defense
             and Agencies of the United States Government.
    d.      Encouraging and supporting the preservation of the history of cryptology
             by members of the Association and appropriate Federal Agencies.
ARTICLE III — Membership and Dues
THE LONE STAR CHAPTER – NCVA covers the State of Texas in its entirety and only
the State of Texas. The Chapter does not desire to infringe upon other existing
Chapters of the Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association or the possible formation of
Chapters in states that border Texas.

Eligibility for membership is the same criteria as those for the National NCVA that

    a.      Regular or Reserve veterans of the U.S. Naval Cryptologic organization
    b.      Regular or Reserve veterans of the U.S. Marine Corns, U.S. Coast Guard,
             U.S. Army, and U.S. Air Force who served on permanent duty with the
             U.S. Naval Cryptologic organization.
    c.      U.S. Federal Service personnel who have served ten (10) or more years in
             the U.S. Naval Cryptologic organization
    d.      Spouses of deceased personnel who were members or were qualified for

All of which served under honorable conditions.

No dues are charged for membership.

ARTICLE IV — Meetings
The General Membership shall elect the Board of Directors every Three years.

The Board of Directors shall convene annually to elect officers and at other times to
conduct other business as required. Four members shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE V — Officers and Duties
Board of Directors. The LONE STAR CHAPTER — NCVA shall be governed by a
Board of Directors consisting of four members. The Directors will appoint officers at the
annual Directors Meeting.

Appointed Officers. The Directors shall appoint a President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer.

    President. The President shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for the
    operation and administration of the LONE STAR CHAPTER — NCVA.

    Vice President. The Vice President shall assist the President in the operation
    and administration of the LONE STAR CHAPTER — NCVA and maintain a staff of
    assistants for Logistics, Finance, Promotion, Advertising and Administration. The Vice
    President shall assume the duties of the President when required.

    Secretary. The Secretary shall perform the duties of Recording Secretary and
    Membership Secretary that includes maintaining all files and records of the Chapter,
    recording the Minutes of Meetings and maintaining a membership file.

    Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect, have charge of and disburse all funds,
    report the financial standing of the Chapter to the Directors at the annual meeting and
    other meetings as requested.

ARTICLE VI — Ownership
The LONE STAR CHAPTER NCVA is a non-stock organization. No part of the net
earnings of the chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members,
trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the chapter shall be authorized and
empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments
and distributions in furtherance of the purposes of the chapter.
ARTICLE VII — Amendments
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be introduced by any director. Such
proposed amendment(s) will be accepted/rejected by majority vote by the directors.

I hereby certify that these bylaws have been adopted by this chapter.

Hilch Lindsay___________________________
President and Director             Date

Jason Weiss____________________________
Vice President and Director     Date

Glen Smith______________________________
Secretary and Director             Date

Doyle L. Mobley__________________________
Treasurer and Director             Date

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