Lone Star NCVA - Corpus Christi 2024 Good Afternoon Everyone! Here it is the middle of May and it's time to "Save the Date" for this year's gathering of the clan in Corpus Christi September 27th-29th where the sunsets are gorgeous and there is plenty of seafood for everyone. The first topic I wanted to pass along is the increase in our conference fee from $25 to $35. This is the first time since this Chapter became part of the NCVA 21 years ago that we've had to increase our fee and it's due to the cost of everything else going up. Not long ago I sent out an email asking who was and who was not in favor of having dinner this year on the fantail of the USS Lexington. Of the 15 people who responded there were 3 no and 12 yes; thus, exercising the democratic process I contacted the Director of Marketing on the ship and reserved the fantail for September 27th 5pm-8pm. Next, I contacted the caterer onboard the Lexington to get a price per meal and a list of dishes that would be available for our membership. The dinner will be served buffet style and will consist of: Cost - $52 per person Menu -Garden Salad Chicken Florentine with sauce that does not include spinach Oven Roasted Red Potatoes Grilled Vegetable Medley Dessert -Triple Chocolate Cake This year we'll be staying at the same hotel we did in 2018 - Hampton Inn & Suites. I've got 20 rooms blocked - 10 King Standard and 10 Two Queen Standards - at $109 plus tax. This next bit of information is very important - the cutoff date for this rate is 27 August 2024 - so for those who prefer to procrastinate until the next coming, I would recommend making your reservations before the cutoff date and should something happen, you can always cancel. When making your reservations inform the front desk person your rate is under "Lone Star NCVA" and you'll get the negotiated rate. Hotel information: Hampton Inn & Suites 917 North Navigation Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 (361) 884-4444 OK, the last item on my agenda is T-shirts and this year the color is Maroon, which I personally think our logo on it will look sharp. The cost of the shirt remains at $25. Since the company that makes our shirts go all out making football shirts and jerseys on September 1st, everyone will need to have their order in and paid for NLT August 26th. This will allow our secretary ample time to place our order and ensure that we'll have everyone's shirt in time for the gathering. Also, all the T-shirts will be distributed at or close to noon on Saturday the 28th in the hospitality room. With our dinner on the USS Lexington starting at 5pm on Friday the 27th I didn't want to put our secretary in a bind in trying to hand out shirts and getting to dinner on time. Enjoy the rest of your week and I'll see everyone in Corpus!! Cheers - Jim