Imperial Beach (CTR) Basic Class 17-2-56(R) April 1956
Images from  Ray McManus, CTTCS, USN Ret.

Please scroll-down for the names. Click-on the photo to enlarge.

Imperial Beach (CTR) Basic Class 17-2-56(R) April 1956 - Instructor CTC Rubino

Imperial Beach class 17-2 April 1956

Back row: 1. Brahman 2. Doyle 3. Keehn 4. Smith 5. Mc Guire 6. Fjuilde 7. Urbanski 8. Lemonds
Middle row: 1. Schindler 2. Johnson 3. Blakely 4. Tompson 5. Bryan 6. Ray Mc Manus 7. Flood
Front row: 1. Schenkel 2. Rose , Chief Rubino 4. Sedlacek 5. Deibler

