11/18/2024 Full name David C. Petke Arrival at station in maryland 11/1968 Departure from station in maryland 01/1970 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTM3 Email address david.petke@verizon.net Add email to the online roster - yes or no? yes Acnsg/cheltenham/nsacss/ftmeade - which?? Cheltenham Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 8/27/2024 Email W1fai@yahoo.com Full name Joseph T Getlein, Jr Arrival at station in maryland Jan 1959 via KW-37(R&T) @ NNSY Departure from station in maryland Sep 1961 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTM 2, CTM1 Email address w1fai@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Yes Acnsg/cheltenham/nsacss/ftmeade - which?? navcomsta Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Trained on FLR7 by the RCA install team. Watch stander for FLR7, KW37T&R. Assigned to R&D Shop. 1/18/2023 Email redhathcock@gmail.com Full name William "Red" Hathcock Arrival at station in maryland Jan 61 Departure from station in maryland Jan 62 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT2 Email address redhathcock@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Yes Acnsg/cheltenham/nsacss/ftmeade - which?? Cheltenham Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Terrible duty station, but provided opportunity to get into NSG DIRSUP (Surface and Subsurface) Operations. After first sub deployment requested and authorized early transfer to NSGD Norfolk to participate in sub ops. 11/11/2022 Full name Allen "Mike" Sonier Arrival at station in maryland March 1967 Departure from station in maryland March 1968 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT3 Email address mikesonier65@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? yes Acnsg/cheltenham/nsacss/ftmeade - which?? NSGDEPT Cheltenham, MD Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! ops 9/30/2022 Full name Leonard "willy" Williams Arrival at station in maryland Feb 1966 Departure from station in maryland Dec 1967 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTR2 Email address wil6831@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Yes Acnsg/cheltenham/nsacss/ftmeade - which?? c Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 12/29/2019 Full Name: DICK SORENSEN Arrival at station in Maryland: 4-64 Departure from station in Maryland: 4-66 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTR1 Email address: dickjane@venturecomm.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No?: dickjane@venturecomm.net ACNSG/Cheltenham/NSACSS/FtMeade - WHICH??: Cheltenham Comments and highlights of your tour of duty!: 5/2/2019 1.FullName: Patrick Burns 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: September 1963 4.DepartDate: July 1966 5.RateRating: CT3 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: Patrickburnsofnj@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 2/2/2019 1.FullName: Ron O'Day 2.NickName: Chic 3.ArriveDate: 1962 4.DepartDate: 1965 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: forestpark@iinet.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Cuban Blockade - USS Canberra CAG-2,USS Bang SS-385, USS Skipjack SSN-585,USS Shark SSN-591,USS Scorpion SSN-589 11/8/2018 1.FullName: William T Craig Jr 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: June 1965 4.DepartDate: July 1966 5.RateRating: CTR2-CTR1 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: wtsecraig@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 10/15/2018 1.FullName: James A. Nelson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 6-27-62 4.DepartDate: 9-10-62 5.RateRating: CT2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: janelson39@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/31/2018 1.LastName: Paul 2.FirstName: Spiegler 3.MiddleInitial: S 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: June 1960 6.DischargeDate: October 1963 7.RateRating: LtJG 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: paulspiegler@hotmail.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Main Navy DC,NAVY COM STATION CHELTENHAM,MD 7/31/2018 1.FullName: Russ Sevigny 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: August 1963 4.DepartDate: November 1964 5.RateRating: CTM3 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: russ7e@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Stood port and starboard duty on KW-37's the whole tour, worked TRSSCOM when SECGRU first took it over. Short toured to go to USNS Valdez on short notice (4 days) as a replacement for Cliff Miller who put his hand in a large fan in the Comm Center. 5/13/2017 1.FullName: James D. Layton 2.NickName: Jimmy 3.ArriveDate: April '65 4.DepartDate: April '67 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Ops 11/27/2016 1.FullName: James Slater 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 4/60 4.DepartDate: 12/60 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: foxtrot40@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked in the teletype shop. This was a very nice duty station,Mustered out from active duty and then spent seven years in the reserves.,Last rank CTMC in 1967. 9/4/2016 1.FullName: William M. Justis 2.NickName: Marty 3.ArriveDate: 5/66 4.DepartDate: 11/67 5.RateRating: CTR/T2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: wmjustis@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived Cheltenham May of 1966 after 18 months of duty at USN 401 (Lajes Field) in the Azores, Portugal. Separated from military service in November 1967 and returned to civilian life. I was both an R Brancher and a T Brancher. Attended both schools at Pensacola's Corry Field. 12/28/2015 1.FullName: Gerald F. Lee 2.NickName: Jerry 3.ArriveDate: 12/30/63 4.DepartDate: 10/01/65 5.RateRating: CTR2-CTR1 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: glee4@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was short toured at Cheltenham and got orders to the U.S.N.S Jose F. Valdez (T-AG-169 arriving on the Valdez Dec 1965. 1/15/2015 1.FullName: Larry E. Cason 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: July, 1967 4.DepartDate: July, 1968 5.RateRating: CT2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: cason_l@bellsouth.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 12/30/2014 1.FullName: Robert B Ericson 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: May 1963 4.DepartDate: Nov 1964 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: gwing08@cfl.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked mostly in the Personnel Office waiting for final clearance, and as a gate guard. Kept proficient in morse code evenings in unclass areas of ops building. 12/26/2014 1.FullName: Paul Christopher Benedict 2.NickName: Benny 3.ArriveDate: March 1964 4.DepartDate: December 1964 5.RateRating: CTA2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: paulcbenedict@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My final tour after leaving Guam. Great duty; lived at Andrews Air Force Base. I am trying to contact a couple of CT's I knew. Their names,if I recall, were Fred Keck from ST. Louis Missouri area and Mike Pertick from Cleveland or Euclid area. ,,Thanks.,,Paul Benedict 11/11/2014 1.FullName: Michael O'Shaughnessy 2.NickName: Mike 3.ArriveDate: Jan. 1964 4.DepartDate: Jun. 1965 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: irishmeo@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 9/19/2014 1.FullName: John Merkle 2.NickName: Jack 3.ArriveDate: Feb 1968 4.DepartDate: Aug 1968 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: ourstuff80134@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/17/2014 1.FullName: david cole 2.NickName: dave 3.ArriveDate: 6/68 4.DepartDate: 1/10/69 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: dacole@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Rotated here (DC is home) after 13 months at Gitmo... If not mistaken, Chief DJ Sprenkle was my section chief. I had known him earlier at San Miguel. 6/4/2014 1.FullName: Laurence Hanley 2.NickName: Larry 3.ArriveDate: 9/60 7/67 4.DepartDate: 12/628/69 5.RateRating: CTT2 CTTC 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: Lhanley3@rochester.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1sttour Cuban Missle Crisis-- interesting 5/18/2014 1.FullName: Stu Morrison 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 7/65 4.DepartDate: 8/67 5.RateRating: CTRC 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: usn442@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 2nd tour. 5/18/2014 1.FullName: Stu Morrison 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 8/58 4.DepartDate: 12/60 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: usn442@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great job Joe, can't imagine how you keep up with it.,,Stu 4/8/2014 1.FullName: James E. Ercole 2.NickName: Jim 3.ArriveDate: July 1968 4.DepartDate: March 1970 5.RateRating: CTTC 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: chiefjimretired7499@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/30/2014 1.FullName: Carl Richard Gast 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: January 1959 4.DepartDate: October 1960 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: rgast1@tampabay.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/19/2014 1.FullName: Bill Glowney 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 5/69 4.DepartDate: 7/69 5.RateRating: ctm3 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: wrkglowney@juno.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Attended trsscomm school, taught by ex ctm2 Clint Sexton. Six of us in the class, probably the last students thru the school, as they shut the system down in 11/69. 3/15/2014 1.FullName: Bill Cottle 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: August 1969 4.DepartDate: January 1970 5.RateRating: CTT1 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: wcottlesprint@earthlink.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/13/2014 1.FullName: Edward Kopshever 2.NickName: Ed 3.ArriveDate: June 1,1969 4.DepartDate: October 17,1969 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: edk730@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/13/2014 1.FullName: Norman O. Kitch 2.NickName: Norm 3.ArriveDate: Aug. 1963 4.DepartDate: Sept. 1965 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Cheltenham 7.Email: normkitch@ymail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: