7/31/2024 Full name Gary Hegedus Date your arrived in germany 9/71 Date you departed germany 4/72 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTTSN Email address garyheggie@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? yes Augsburg/badaibling/bremerhaven/todendorf - which?? Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Was in Bremerhaven and Augsburg 5/26/2024 Full name Darrel Brewer Date your arrived in germany Jan 1968 Date you departed germany May 1970 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTR2 Email address darrelbrewer87@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Yes Augsburg/badaibling/bremerhaven/todendorf - which?? Bremerhaven Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Good tour, cold wines and warm beer!! 12/13/2023 Full name james a hanley Date your arrived in germany 1 sept 1957 Date you departed germany dec 1958` Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) ct2 Email address jimhanley2000@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Augsburg/badaibling/bremerhaven/todendorf - which?? bremerhaven Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! great 5/22/2023 Full name Dalton C Fauver Date your arrived in germany 1968 Date you departed germany September 1969 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTR3 Email address daltonfauver@att.net Add email to the online roster - yes or no? daltonfauver@att.net Augsburg/badaibling/bremerhaven/todendorf - which?? Bremerhaven Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 12/15/2022 Email dickandrani@aol.com Full name Richard Landauer Date your arrived in germany August 1965 Date you departed germany March 1967 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT2 Email address dickandrani@aol.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Yes Augsburg/badaibling/bremerhaven/todendorf - which?? Bremerhaven Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 4/6/2022 Full Name John E. Clawson Date your arrived in Germany 1960 Date you departed Germany 1962 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT2 Email address ct2john@comcast.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? yes Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH?? bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! company "c" 4/24/2021 Full Name Steve Simons Date your arrived in Germany January, 1966 Date you departed Germany June, 1967 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR3 Email address oilman75@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? oilman75@yahoo.com Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH?? Bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! I don't have dimentia. Just too much weed in the 70's. I have looked at city maps, but I can remember where the base was located, and can't remember very many details about it. I was in C section. Owned a new 66 Austin Healy 3000, Green. Can anyone help me? Pensacola July 65-Dec 65. My only vision is walking thru the gate at the guard shack. Help.... Steve 1/18/2021 Full Name James Lee Selby Date your arrived in Germany 03/28/1971 Date you departed Germany 05/01/1972 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT3 Email address jim1423@earthlink.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? jim1423@earthlink.net Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH?? Bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! Better known as Seabag. Volunteered at the USO Theater doing building and painting, and costuming. 1/10/2021 Full Name Louis Y. Hoffmeyer Date your arrived in Germany Nov. 1968 Date you departed Germany Dec 1970 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT2 Email address lyh_1227@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? Yes Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH?? Bremerhaven 10/29/2020 Full Name John Edward Clawson Date your arrived in Germany late 1960 Date you departed Germany january 1962 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT2 Email address ct2john@comcast.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? yes Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH?? Bremerhaven 9/8/2020 Full Name: John Clawson Date your arrived in Germany: 1960 Date you departed Germany: 1962 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTT2 Email address: ct2john@comcast.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No?: yes 5/28/2020 Full Name: Ronald Bose Date your arrived in Germany: April(?)1967 Date you departed Germany: April 1969 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CT3 Email address: ronaldgordon1946@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No?: Yes Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH??: Bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: I had never been out of the USA until then. I made some good German friends. The duty was great. But being in Europe was even better. I would like to see if any in Delta Section are still around. My impression of Marines change when I met those in our section. I have great respect for them 3/30/2020 Full Name: Stephen K Andros Date your arrived in Germany: JAN 1971 Date you departed Germany: OCT 1972 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTR2 Email address: stephenkandros@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No?: stephenkandros@gmail.com Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH??: Bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: CSP and HFDF operator. Closed down ops in SEP 1972 as tasking moved to Augsburg. 9/18/2019 Full Name: john william vincent Date your arrived in Germany: 3/1967 Date you departed Germany: 3/1969 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): ctr3 Email address: ctmanbre@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No?: yes Augsburg/BadAibling/Bremerhaven/Todendorf - WHICH??: bremerhaven Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: learning about the attack on the Liberty 5/28/2019 1.FullName: Kenneth Dikeman 2.NickName: Kenny 3.ArriveDate: March 1957 4.DepartDate: March 1959 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: kldikeman38@rcn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/6/2019 1.FullName: Richard A. Poston 2.NickName: Dick 3.ArriveDate: Jan 69 4.DepartDate: Feb 72 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: dickposton@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/22/2019 1.FullName: J. Paul Freniere 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 04/07/70 4.DepartDate: 09/30/71 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: NBPSJPF@YAHOO.COM 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great duty, with both Alpha and Delta Section.,, Thanks, Joe, for keeping this site alive. 3/2/2019 1.FullName: JOSEPH R ZARDAVETS 2.NickName: Joe Z 3.ArriveDate: January 1967 4.DepartDate: November 1968 5.RateRating: CT3 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: jz.email@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Delta Section...lucky enough to bivouac with the Marines every October... gotta love "Sleazys"downtown 1/2/2019 1.FullName: Roland Ekstrom 2.NickName: Ron Ekstrom 3.ArriveDate: May 1970 4.DepartDate: Closure of station 5.RateRating: CTR2-CTO2, CTO1 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: rbekstrom@hughes.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Don't remember exactly when SGA closed but I did become a Splinter Owner, Did a lateral conversion from R to O due to loss of hearing acuity. Pretty sure I made E6 there before being transfereed to NIPSSA, Suitland MD 5/22/2018 1.FullName: Steven Darling 2.NickName: Steve 3.ArriveDate: Dec., 1970 4.DepartDate: June, 1972 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: sdarling@tds.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/10/2018 1.FullName: Walter D. Ziriax 2.NickName: Don 3.ArriveDate: Jun 1968 4.DepartDate: Jul 1971 5.RateRating: CTR2 - CTR1 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: dbziriax@centex.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1st Div. Delta Section HFDF Operator 4/28/2018 1.FullName: Edward Thomas Heather 2.NickName: Duke 3.ArriveDate: 1970 4.DepartDate: 1971 5.RateRating: CTMCS 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: dheather@charter.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My tour in Bremerhaven was cut short by selection for ADCOP in Pensacola, Florida (1972 - 1974). 4/24/2018 1.FullName: Edwin W Marciniak 2.NickName: Ed 3.ArriveDate: June 1958 4.DepartDate: Sept 1961 5.RateRating: CTRSN - CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: retnavc@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1.FullName: james (Jim) Hanley 2.NickName: Jim 3.ArriveDate: 8/57 4.DepartDate: 12/58 5.RateRating: ct2 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: jimhanley2000@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/23/2018 1.FullName: Jerry Betzer 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1968 4.DepartDate: 1969 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Bremerhaven 7.Email: j.betzer@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Thanks Joe for picking up from Karl. I am sure he would be pleased you did. Bremerhaven was supposed to be 2 year duty for me, but I got early orders to Nicosia. Bremerhaven was nice, Nicosia was great. I was a very fortunate man getting stationed both places.