11/24/2024 Full name John Denend Arrival date on taiwan 1967 Departure date from taiwan 1969 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTR3 Email address johndenend088@gmail.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? johndenend088@gmail.com Shu lin kou/taipei - which?? Shu Lin Kou Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Transcriber of Sigint from intercept to teletype. Part of first motorcycle rodeo. Part of musical theater in Taipei 5/26/2024 Full name Darrel Brewer Arrival date on taiwan Dec 1965 Departure date from taiwan Nov 1967 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTR3 Email address darrelbrewer87@yahoo.com Add email to the online roster - yes or no? Shu lin kou/taipei - which?? Shu !in Koh Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 1/31/2022 Full Name John (Wes) Barrett Arrival date on Taiwan Jan 1971 Departure date from Taiwan Aug 1972 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR2 Email address jwbarrett3@twc.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? jwbarrett3@twc.com Shu Lin Kou/Taipei - WHICH?? Shu Lin Kou Air Base (up on the hill) Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! I have been many places in Asia; Taipei, Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Delhi, I'll have to say that, for me, Taipei topped the list as my favorite place in Asia. Great liberty, lovely ladies, plenty of sight seeing and more. Also, privileged to have worked with a great bunch of shipmates. 12/31/2021 Full Name Robert Williams aka Willy Arrival date on Taiwan 7/67 Departure date from Taiwan 12/68 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR3 Email address Rwilli1818@aol.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? Yes Shu Lin Kou/Taipei - WHICH?? Shu Lin Kou Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Long bus ride to Taipei for liberty. Plane crashed and we helped in the aftermath. Great duty station. 6/26/2021 Full Name William P. "Skip" Dunbar Arrival date on Taiwan 12/18/1969 Departure date from Taiwan 1/6/1971 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTM2 Email address anormalguy@sbcglobal.net Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? Yes Shu Lin Kou/Taipei - WHICH?? Shu Lin Kou Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! First Navy Matman at Lin Kou. Reported to the R-Branch Chief. Hung out with whoever was going downtown that night, but usually NIck Dubeck and Terry Williams.. 1/24/2021 Full Name Gregory Meissner Arrival date on Taiwan May 1971 Departure date from Taiwan May 1973 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTO2 Email address gregoryhenry.meissner2@aol.com Add email to the online roster - Yes or No? yes Shu Lin Kou/Taipei - WHICH?? USTDC comm center Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Went from CTOSN to CTO2 in less than two years. 11/11/2020 Full Name Sammy F. Lane Arrival date on Taiwan Dec. 1968 Departure date from Taiwan Jan. 1971 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR1 Email address slane46697@aol.com 6/28/2019 1.FullName: Earl Axe 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 71 4.DepartDate: July 72 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: axeearl@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Loved Taiwan, best year of my life. There is a Facebook group LinKou Navy, join if you were ever in Shu Linkou!! 2/18/2019 1.FullName: Larry M. Zajac 2.NickName: Zeke 3.ArriveDate: May, 1972 4.DepartDate: 02-06-74 5.RateRating: CTA3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: larzajac17@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Got discharged in Taiwan, lived with LT Robert Arrington Cornett, Jr. (who also got discharged Aug. '73). We traveled and left late Apr. '74. He just passed away 2-9-19. 7/8/2017 1.FullName: Steve Andrews 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: November 1970 4.DepartDate: February 1972 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: steve4a172@ymail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Went TAD to Phu Bai, SVN via San Miguel, PI May 1971-October 1971 6/15/2017 1.FullName: Valkwitch, James 2.NickName: Jim 3.ArriveDate: Feb 1971 4.DepartDate: July 1972 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: jim.jamval@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great Duty, Better Liberty. TAD to NAVCOMSTAPHIL San Miguel May-July 1971. 4/26/2017 1.FullName: Glenis Hillard Nelson 2.NickName: Radar 3.ArriveDate: September 8, 1970 4.DepartDate: January 8, 1972 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: glenisnelson@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: One of the best duty stations in the Navy. I worked as a Traffic Analyst, Cryptologic Technician, SIGINT, ELINT, etc. This required a Top Secret Crypto Special Intelligence Clearance. It was a very prestigious position and I am proud to have served in that position. Very beautiful island. 9/3/2016 1.LastName: Henken 2.FirstName: Timothy 3.MiddleInitial: 4.NickName: 5.ArriveDate: April 1971 6.DepartDate: June 1972 7.RateRating: CTR3 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: Tphenken@sbcglobal.net 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Navsegruact Taipei Taiwan, 3/26/2016 1.FullName: Gerald Franklin Lee 2.NickName: Jerry 3.ArriveDate: 2/67 4.DepartDate: 3/69 5.RateRating: CTR1-CTRC 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: glee52@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived in Taiwan 2/67 from a 1 year tour on the USNS Jose F. Valdez. Made CTRC in April, 1968. Great tour of duty. 3/20/2016 1.FullName: Harvey N Burdette 2.NickName: Harvey 3.ArriveDate: June 1964 4.DepartDate: August 1966 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: retread4now@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: In late July 1964 shortly after arriving in Taipei, I was assigned Temporary Duty aboard the USS Maddox, along with 2 others from Taipei, and 7 or 8 from Shu Lin Kou , which we boarded in Keelung. We sailed to the Gulf of Tonkin and on August 2 and 4 where the Maddox was attacked by the North Vietnamese "PT" boats. After the incident we spent about 20 days more days at sea before the Maddox dropped us of at Subic Bay in the Phillipines. We were taken to Clark AFB and taken back by air to Taipei. My 2 years in Taipei were very rewarding, and among the best years of my life., 3/7/2016 1.FullName: Thomas H Kierstead 2.NickName: Tom 3.ArriveDate: Sept 1970 4.DepartDate: Sept 1973 5.RateRating: CTR3-CTR2 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: tkierstead3@live.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/29/2016 1.FullName: Dennis Clemens 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: July 1967 4.DepartDate: Jan 1970 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: dclemphx@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great duty station 12/28/2015 1.FullName: Gerald F. Lee 2.NickName: Jerry 3.ArriveDate: 02/01/67 4.DepartDate: 03/01/68 5.RateRating: CTR1-CTRC 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: glee4@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 11/27/2014 1.FullName: Daniel O. Reigle 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: May 1967 4.DepartDate: September 1968 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: dhalinot@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: It was my first duty station out of Pensacola. It spoiled me for everything followed. Great duty, great guys to work with. 10/14/2014 1.FullName: Ronnie R Quin 2.NickName: Eskimo 3.ArriveDate: 1971 4.DepartDate: 1972 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: rquin@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 8/25/2014 1.FullName: George Johnston 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1972 4.DepartDate: 1973 5.RateRating: CTT1 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: harleygj1@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: FLEXSCOP Programmer 6/18/2014 1.FullName: Roland J. Roy Jr. 2.NickName: Roy / White Cloud 3.ArriveDate: Jan 64 4.DepartDate: Jan 66 5.RateRating: CTISN-CTI3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: olmanwinter@live.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: The VERY best tour of duty EVER!! As a Chinese linguist I could go any,where and be accepted. I passed as 1/2 Chinese due my speaking the,language. Did a "rain-dance" with a USAF fellow Indian just before a, Captains inspection and it RAINED, cancelling the inspection! That's,how I got the nickname White Cloud(Luo Bai Yun). Even found a Chinese,bar in Danang Vietnam in which I was fully welcomed with the local Chinese who were fighting the VC. Pat Anthony and Bill Beck were two of my supervisors while there. To bad they shut down the station as now any Chinese linguist has "no place to go"!! You have to "love and live the language" if you are going to be truly a Chinese linguist!!! 5/12/2014 1.FullName: John s Hall 2.NickName: Ludwig 3.ArriveDate: June 1969 4.DepartDate: sept 1970 5.RateRating: Ctr3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: Jshall22@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/24/2014 1.FullName: Sammy F. Lane 2.NickName: Sam 3.ArriveDate: Dec. 1968 4.DepartDate: Dec. 1970 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: SLane46697@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Another outstanding duty station. 12/26/2013 1.FullName: Thomas G. Bowen 2.NickName: Tom 3.ArriveDate: 1972 4.DepartDate: 1974 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: thomas.bowen70@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I changed rating from CT to PN in late 1974. I also knew some guys from Det "a" in Phu Bai, 1971 to 1972., 10/19/2013 1.FullName: Samuel Walman 2.NickName: Wally 3.ArriveDate: May 1970 4.DepartDate: August 1971 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: walman890@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 10/2/2013 1.FullName: Alan Mail 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: Aug 73 4.DepartDate: Jul 75 5.RateRating: LT 6.Duty: Taipei 7.Email: admail11@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great tour. I was sorry to close "The China Station" 3/12/2013 1.FullName: george a rogers 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: oct. 1970 4.DepartDate: oct. 1972 5.RateRating: ctr3 6.Duty: ShuLinKou 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: