11/21/2024 Full name Mark S. Jones Date you arrived adak October 1974 Date you departed adak December 1975 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT3 NCS adak (NSG Dept) Email address Marks_jones@msn.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? Yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 11/14/2024 Full name Reginald L Stroud Date you arrived adak Sept 84 Date you departed adak Sept 86 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT2 Nsga adak Email address rlstroud@comcast.net Add email to online roster - yes or no? yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Great Place and enjoyed fishing 2/12/2024 Full name Jennifer Scott Sudderth Date you arrived adak October 1993 Date you departed adak May 1994 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTO3 Nsga adak Email address jssudderth17@gmail.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? jssudderth17@gmail.com Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Maiden Name: Jennifer Scott. Worked with some great folks at CDAA! Learned to shoot a mean game of pool at the Ptarmigan Club. Wish I could recall the names of some of these great folks. Awesome memories. 12/19/2023 Full name Lester (Russ) Baxter Date you arrived adak 08/16/1991 Date you departed adak 07/06/1993 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CWO2 Nsga adak Email address russbaxter@email.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Awesome tour! My first commissioned tour as CWO. First year as Collection Division (Manual Morse) Division Officer, second year as Cryptologic Comms Department Head (my original billet … long story, but came out well in the end). Loved the nature, hunting, fishing, hiking, cross country skiing. Very memorable moment… the marines that worked for me invited me to help burn off the ammo supply due to imminent base closure. One box of 12 ga was enough on the shotgun, but the full auto clips with the M16 (which I had previously qualified Expert) was a blast. Great envioronment for the psyche… a manageable small world. 9/6/2023 Full name William Howard Date you arrived adak 1966 Date you departed adak 1967 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT3 Nsga adak Email address wb3v@comcast.net Add email to online roster - yes or no? Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Lived with my family in lower Amulet 7/19/2023 Full name John (Ralph) Donley Date you arrived adak 12/15/1967 Date you departed adak 12/11/1968 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTI 3 Nsga adak Email address jdonley269@hotmail.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 6/8/2023 Full name Harold Roy Wilkinson Date you arrived adak 09/1964 Date you departed adak 08/1965 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTTSN, CTT3 Nsga adak Email address roywfgs@cox.net Add email to online roster - yes or no? Yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! playing softball and learning scuba diving... 5/20/2023 Full name Arthur Robertson Date you arrived adak November 1968 Date you departed adak Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT3 Nsga adak COMMSTA Email address mustangalr@yahoo.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 10/18/2022 Full name Gerald Aldrich Date you arrived adak 1963 Date you departed adak 1964 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTT3 Nsga adak Email address gerryaldrich1@comcast.net Add email to online roster - yes or no? Yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Spent most of my time at AFRS with Phil Lerza and Woody Reeves 9/11/2022 Full name Richard Corrigan Date you arrived adak Mar 1990 Date you departed adak Dec 1990 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) MSgt Nsga adak Email address n0rmc2651@gmail.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? Yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Co I MarSptBn Plt Sgt, Watch Chief for Marine watch in I think it was 50 Dept to include the CW Comm site and Tech Control 8/15/2022 Full name Dale A. Beard Date you arrived adak 07/85 Date you departed adak 10/87 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) LT Nsga adak Email address beard15221@cgmailbox.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? beard15221@cgmailbox.com Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! EMO 8/14/2022 Full name Curtis P. McCandlish Date you arrived adak October 1982 Date you departed adak October 1884 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTA2/CTA1 Nsga adak Zeto Point Email address curtismccandlish@hotmail.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? Yes Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 7/21/2022 Full name Art Studebaker Date you arrived adak 1971 Date you departed adak 1972 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTTSN Nsga adak Email address w9gu@hotmail.com Add email to online roster - yes or no? w9gu@hotmail.com Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! WB Shotgun 5/22/2022 Full Name Hank Feldner Date you arrived ADAK July, 1968 Date you departed ADAK July, 1969 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT3 Email address hfeldner@outlook.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes 3/11/2022 Full Name Gary Eldridge Date you arrived ADAK 30 Nov 1981 Date you departed ADAK 03 Oct 1983 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTO2 Email address eldridgegw@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! Cat & Dave, Cabin Fun, Fishing and Hunting 1/21/2022 Full Name Richard Weber Date you arrived ADAK 1/71 Date you departed ADAK 6/72 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTM2 Email address dickweber47@hotmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yesu Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! UYK3 maint 1/1/2022 Full Name Curt Root Date you arrived ADAK September 1972 Date you departed ADAK October 1973 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR3 Email address freebyrd1999@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! Although I did not make the Navy my career, I appreciate all of the men and women who did. Thank you for your service. I appreciated the time I spent on Adak later in life. I grew up a lot during my time there and look back fondly at the time in my life. 12/4/2021 Full Name Charles Clauer Date you arrived ADAK June 1973 Date you departed ADAK June 1974 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTASN Email address seajayiii@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? seajayiii@gmail.com 9/6/2021 Full Name Dennis M Dixon Date you arrived ADAK 09/79 Date you departed ADAK 12/83 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT1 NSGA ADAK Classic Wizard Zeto Point Email address dmd1946@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes 8/12/2021 Full Name Barry Stewart Date you arrived ADAK 06/15/1964 Date you departed ADAK 06/09/1965 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT3 Email address bgstewart55@msn.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! It was a rewarding, but hard tour. I was my first assignment after CT a school. I learned a lot and was promoted to CTT3. 8/8/2021 Full Name Bruce Bell Date you arrived ADAK Nov 1973 Date you departed ADAK Nov 1974 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTOSN NSGA ADAK NCS/NSGDEPT ADAK Email address bellbru@comcast.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No? bellbru@comcast.net 7/14/2021 Full Name stanton williams Date you arrived ADAK june 1967 Date you departed ADAK june1968 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) ctr3 Email address sfwjr@yahoo.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? sfwjr@yahoo.com Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! sent a few months TAD to Shemya 6/14/2021 Full Name Donald Main Date you arrived ADAK 17 November 1967 Date you departed ADAK 30 Nov 1968 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT3 NSGA ADAK Ops, Section 1 Email address dkm.ontheisland@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! How do I send in some pics I found and scanned in to my computer (Google photos)? Enjoyed hiking Adagdak, Lake Andrew, Clam Lagoon, the old Loran Station, gun mounts, shooting rats, etc. Really enjoyed the softball team trip to Kodiac. 6/13/2021 Full Name Ronald L Blevens Date you arrived ADAK March 1963 Date you departed ADAK March 1964 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR3 Email address Dianaronb@cablespeed.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? yes 5/25/2021 Full Name Gary Albert Donner Date you arrived ADAK 1972 Date you departed ADAK 1974 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) ETRSN/PNSN NSGA ADAK ET Shop/Personnel Email address jeffersonhairpiegd@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? jeffersonhairpiegd@gmail.com Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! Worked as a waiter at Mitchell Lodge. Played a lot of poker at Vern Ingram's house. 5/6/2021 Full Name Dean Balke Date you arrived ADAK 1985 Date you departed ADAK 1987 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT1 Email address dbalke@comcast.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No? dbalke@comcast.net 4/25/2021 Full Name John T McCourt Date you arrived ADAK January 1956 Date you departed ADAK November 1956 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTR2 NSGA ADAK OPS Email address johntmccourt@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes 1/28/2021 Full Name Donlee Hughes Date you arrived ADAK October 67 Date you departed ADAK October 68 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTTSN Email address dhhughes47@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? dhhughes47@gmail.com 1/27/2021 Full Name Larry Byler Date you arrived ADAK March 1966 Date you departed ADAK March 1967 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CT3 when I left Email address lbyler5@comcast.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No? lbyler5@comcast.net Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! I have some pictures of a return trip in about 2005 but don't know where to post them. 1/23/2021 Full Name Keith D Bennett Date you arrived ADAK 07/76 Date you departed ADAK 07/77 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTRSN - CTR3 Email address kodiak3333kb@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? yes 11/6/2020 Full Name Charles E Stanley Date you arrived ADAK March 1958; March 1960; October 1974 Date you departed ADAK October1958; October 1960; May 1978 NSGA ADAK NAVSTA Adak, NAVCOMSTA Adak, NSGA Adak Email address ctmcs40@yahoo.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty! First two times I was assigned to NAVSTA-Adak/USNMCB9. Last assignment from 1974 to 1978. First to NAVCOMSTA Adak until change of major claimant where I was the Comptroller for the change to NSGA Adak. Originally assigned to Mat Dept CDAA-ClassicBulldog and then Mat Dept Zeto Point-Classic Wizard 10/28/2020 Full Name Steven Lange Date you arrived ADAK 12/76 Date you departed ADAK 12/77 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT3 NSGA ADAK NSGA ADAK Email address Steven.Lange2@Gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No? Yes 5/6/2020 Full Name: Steven Albert Jones Date you arrived ADAK: July 1969 Date you departed ADAK: July 1970 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTI3 NSGA ADAK: Email address: jones.steven@frontier.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: Married just 6 months when I arrived from Goodfellow AFB. Wife returned to BYU to complete her degree. I lived in the "new" barracks where we could see the endless grass out our window. Loved the WATTS phone in the hall. Spend many nights talking to my buddy in the air force. I operated a radio in the wollenwebber collecting radio phone calls. Participated in the HAM club for several months. Had R&R to Japan after about 10 months. 4/29/2020 Full Name: Donald Wessenauer Date you arrived ADAK: 05/69 Date you departed ADAK: 11/71 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTM2 NSGA ADAK: dwessenauer@gmail.com Email address: dwessenauer@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: dwessenauer@gmail.com Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: 3/25/2020 Full Name: Gregory Plante Date you arrived ADAK: 11/77 Date you departed ADAK: 11/79 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): RM2 NSGA ADAK: gregory.plante@Sprint.com Email address: gregory.plante@Sprint.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: gregory.plante@Sprint.com Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: Great time, some of the best memories. I found my true love, Karen Nuszbuam CTT. loved the hunting , fishing and outdoors. I had some great friends and room mates, Charles Arnold & Donnie Aldridge my partying animals! 3/8/2020 Full Name: Andy "Soupy". Sayles Date you arrived ADAK: Jan 1977 Date you departed ADAK: Dec 1977 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTO2 NSGA ADAK: Email address: asayles5@sbcglobal.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: Love the flights on Reeves Aleutian Airways!!! Softball games with wind and drinking in our unit cabin and salmon fishing in the lagoon with our bare hands, getting frozen and laughing the entire time but what great eating when we cooked 'em. Still remember to this day! 2/26/2020 Full Name: Dan Singleton Date you arrived ADAK: 31 July 1980 Date you departed ADAK: 20 August 1982 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTTC NSGA ADAK: Zeto Point Email address: Singletn@null.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: 2/21/2020 Full Name: Doug Brown Date you arrived ADAK: 8/74 Date you departed ADAK: 12/77 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): EM2 NSGA ADAK: dwb1219@icloud.com Email address: dwb1219@icloud.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: dwb1219@icloud.com Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: My first and only duty station, Once I landed and got to work in the generator department I couldn't leave. I agree, its hard to see current pics of the bases, but we all get old and worn out. Can also be reached at dwb1219@yahoo.com. 2/3/2020 Full Name: Jon H. Hagerman Date you arrived ADAK: 7/69 Date you departed ADAK: 7/71 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTR2/CTR2 NSGA ADAK: Email address: spookerman@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: 11/23/2019 Full Name: Pete Stea Date you arrived ADAK: June 1973 Date you departed ADAK: August 1974 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTM1 NSGA ADAK: Email address: pjstea@gmail.com Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: Siss Zulu Maintance 8/1/2019 Full Name: Paul R Cooper Date you arrived ADAK: February 1974 Date you departed ADAK: March 1975 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): SGT (CTR, CTT) NSGA ADAK: Email address: heliotrope@cox.net Add email to online roster - Yes or No?: Yes Comments and Highlights of your tour of duty!: Anyone else involved in Ham Radio ? de kd7kcv QTH Phoenix, AZ 5/5/2019 1.FullName: Bruce M Hostetter 2.NickName: Hoss 3.ArriveDate: 1967 4.DepartDate: 1968 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Bhostett@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Looking for CT?s I served with? 5/3/2019 1.FullName: Bruce Hostetter 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1967 4.DepartDate: 1968 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NRS Adak 7.Email: Bhostett@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: School CT school Corey field, Pensacola, Florida. 3/11/2019 1.FullName: Michael Johnson 2.NickName: Mike 3.ArriveDate: March 1971 4.DepartDate: March 1972 5.RateRating: CTO3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Mistyrosefarm2000@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was stationed at Naval Facility Adak, TDY from NSGA Adak 3/8/2019 1.FullName: Scott D. Howe 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1973 4.DepartDate: Jan 1974 5.RateRating: CTO3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: howescottjill@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/5/2019 1.FullName: Kevin MacKay 2.NickName: KC 3.ArriveDate: Oct 63 4.DepartDate: Oct 64 5.RateRating: L/Cpl (E-3) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 11/15/2018 1.FullName: John W Mayer 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1954 4.DepartDate: 1955 5.RateRating: CTC 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: My Dad was on Adak during this timeframe. He was a CTC (?) at Clam Lagoon. 10/15/2018 1.FullName: James A. Nelson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 11-3-61 4.DepartDate: 5-29-62 5.RateRating: CT2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: janelson39@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Left Adak on emergency leave on death of dad. Have a lot of photos from Adak 9/10/2018 1.FullName: Sandra E. Linder 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Nov 1993 4.DepartDate: April 1994 5.RateRating: CTM3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mardastewart2@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Looking for a Seabee nickname of "Rowdy", last name Roland. Extremely important, paternity issue. 8/18/2018 1.FullName: Jim Hawkins 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 7/70 4.DepartDate: 7/71 5.RateRating: RM3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: jhawkins@cameron.edu 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was in Specomm Div 7/11/2018 1.FullName: Peter M Paoletti 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1968 4.DepartDate: Dec 1968 5.RateRating: CTMSN - CTM3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: workaholicp@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: HFDF Maintenance 6/27/2018 1.FullName: William Doebler 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: 04/30/76 4.DepartDate: 04/30/79 5.RateRating: CTT1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: wrdoebler@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked SISS ZULU & Classic Wizard at Zeto Point. I was a Watch Section Supervisor.,I also worked part time for Reeve Aleutian Airways (RAA) with Tom Spitler as the Station Manager. 6/16/2018 1.FullName: Milton B. Linzel 2.NickName: Moe 3.ArriveDate: Feb. 1947 4.DepartDate: Sept. 1947 5.RateRating: Rm 3 class 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: mough2@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Would appreciate emails from Shipmates with whom I served at Radio City., 5/30/2018 1.FullName: Rick William Kellner 2.NickName: Rick 3.ArriveDate: 12-1970 4.DepartDate: 1-1971 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Rkellner67@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/7/2018 1.FullName: RICHARD H RYAN 2.NickName: DICK 3.ArriveDate: Nov 1969 4.DepartDate: Jan 1971 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dgryan@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/29/2018 1.FullName: Leroy E. Robinson 2.NickName: Robbie 3.ArriveDate: April, 16, 1959 4.DepartDate: April, 1960 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Papalee37@icloud.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great "first" duty sta! Three days after my arrival, I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior! Through correspondence, I met Frances Austin from Dos Palos, Ca. We wrote back and forth for the entire year...traded photos, tape recordings, etc Met her face to face upon returning to States. A miracle!! We married three weeks later May 28, 1960. we will celebrate out 58th anniversary this May. God is good! 4/23/2018 1.FullName: Daryl Cleveland 2.NickName: Daryl 3.ArriveDate: 31 Mar 1972 4.DepartDate: 07 Mar 1973 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: clevelda1@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/17/2018 1.LastName: Andersen 2.FirstName: Christian 3.MiddleInitial: 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: September 10, 1971 6.DischargeDate: June 24, 1975 7.RateRating: RM2 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: ccorkandersen@msn.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Navcommsta Adak AK (Sweepers Cove) April 72-73,, USS HOEL DDG-13 May 73-June 75 4/14/2018 1.FullName: George Russell Farrell 2.NickName: Russ 3.ArriveDate: June 1962 4.DepartDate: April 1963 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: russellfarrell@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived Friday, 6-1-62. Getting ready to go to work Monday, and was told it was a holiday. "I'm not falling for that; it's June 4, not July 4." Actually the base Captain declared holiday routine for all non-essential personnel. Why? It was the first day in 10 months the sun was out!! ,,One day someone said lets make slingshots and hunt rats in the dump. (No trees were injured making this move). I only had my #2 Randall knife, so waited at the bottom of an opening. The center pile was hit with sticks - and the number of rats that came through and around my legs for several minutes would not be believed. I stabbed the ground as fast as I could - in self defense - and didn't cut a single hair! Slingshots were also skunked by the rats., ,Maintained the GRAB satellite huts, a now-declassified program. Great duty, except when changing antenna coax on the roof in a williwaw. , 4/6/2018 1.FullName: bob clark 2.NickName: bob 3.ArriveDate: 1967 4.DepartDate: 1968 5.RateRating: etcm 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: blobclark@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: family stay to work in comm center. ETCM . member of chiefs club there. loved the pool and the movie theater. saw lots of wildlife - ducks, geese, seals, whales. Russian bison prop/jet combo swept wing planes came over daily with their big red stars. the school kids flipped them off and the sailors opened their playboy centerfolds skywards ;>) 2/26/2018 1.LastName: Cromley 2.FirstName: Lou 3.MiddleInitial: A 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: 06/20/1967 6.DischargeDate: 06/20/1971 7.RateRating: SHB2 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: duckey6400@comcast.net 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Adak NAS-USS Sanctuary AH-17-USS Holland AS-32 2/26/2018 1.LastName: Forrest 2.FirstName: David 3.MiddleInitial: C 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: March 1969 6.DischargeDate: October 1979 7.RateRating: RM2 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: dave4rest@hotmail.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Was the LPO at the receiver site at NCS Adak. Stationed there from Jan 1975 to Jan 1978. 2/13/2018 1.FullName: Bruce Brockbrader 2.NickName: Brock 3.ArriveDate: April 1971 4.DepartDate: April 1972 5.RateRating: SKSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Bruce.brock3@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked in the supply department down by the library. I remember SK2 Kevin Kitchenmaster and SK3 Dan Noyes. I was also lucky enough to work with MWR showing movies in the Gym at nights. Such great memories! I?d love to go back to the rock for a visit. 2/11/2018 1.FullName: Glover, Donald R. 2.NickName: Don/ Troll 3.ArriveDate: 1967 4.DepartDate: 1968 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: donglover@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/20/2018 1.LastName: Winans 2.FirstName: Allen 3.MiddleInitial: K 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: 25 Jul 1965 6.DischargeDate: 29 Jul 1969 7.RateRating: PO2RM 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: winanskeith@gmx.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Stationed at NavCommSta Adak, AK Apr 1966 to Apr 1967., Worked as message clerk (receiving incoming messages on teletype, printing out copies for various officers, delivering copies, printing the Adagdak Daily newspaper) and various cleaning and painting chores (when they could find me). 12/17/2017 1.LastName: Yetman 2.FirstName: Sandra 3.MiddleInitial: J 4.NickName: Sandy 5.EnlistDate: 8/25/82 6.DischargeDate: 1/1/85 7.RateRating: RMSN 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: cswalsh64@gmail.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: NSGA-Tech Control 1983-1984 11/28/2017 1.FullName: Mark Else 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1984 4.DepartDate: December 1985 5.RateRating: MSSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: asinglestep7@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: A great first duty station. I miss the friends I had there. 11/25/2017 1.FullName: David A. Lawson 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: 02/1962 4.DepartDate: 02/1963 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dvlwsn@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 10/25/2017 1.FullName: Jim J. Yokomizo 2.NickName: Yokko 3.ArriveDate: 1993 4.DepartDate: 1994 5.RateRating: CTOCS 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jjyokomizo@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My 8th and final duty station. 10/14/2017 1.FullName: Ronald Peter Paar 2.NickName: Petey 3.ArriveDate: 11/1961 4.DepartDate: 11/1962 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: rbpaar@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 8/20/2017 1.LastName: Long 2.FirstName: John 3.MiddleInitial: W 4.NickName: 5.EnlistDate: June 3, 1960 6.DischargeDate: August 15, 1963 7.RateRating: PN2 8.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 9.Email: jowlo7@aol.com 10.OnLineRoster: Yes 11.DutyStns: Naval Training Station- June/1960,Naval Communication Station, Adak,USS Ranger CVA61,, I am to happy to have been part of this small by select group that played a vital,Role in our nation defense 1.FullName: John W Long 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: August 1960 4.DepartDate: August 1961 5.RateRating: SEAMAN APPRENTICE 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jowlo7@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived As a 17 year old Seaman Apprentice from Boot camp, NTSC, SDiego.,Departed as PN3. Assigned to the USS Ranger CVA 61 after serving a year in "purgatory " at COMMSTA, smilie. After the initial shock of being stationed in the ,Boonies, I enjoyed the my stay and had many good memories. One them was when I ,and some CTSN buddies established a small secret radio station that we made broadcasting. I miss the seals and salmon run. How can I acquire one those COMMSTA ,patches? I left the Navy after my time of service was up as a PN2 in August 1962, earned a doctorate, became a professor, and retired from the university of Illinois at Chicago after 34 years. Again, I miss the island,Where I learned how to be a responsible person 8/15/2017 1.FullName: David Hampton 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: Jun 1960 4.DepartDate: May 1962 5.RateRating: Marine PFC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dhampton4639@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was not pleasant at the time but looking back it was a good assignment. Made friends and still in contact with some of them. Our mission (intercept op) was outstanding up on the hill. The brutal winter storms and earthquakes also provide memories. Did some camping and hiking. Remember seeing Quonset huts from WW11. 8/1/2017 1.FullName: Gregory Morrison 2.NickName: Gregg 3.ArriveDate: June 1972 4.DepartDate: June 1978 5.RateRating: ET1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: glmorrison49@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I had a nice tour of duty with SpeCommDiv (P80) while on Adak with a short 10 month detour through ET'B' school and back again. I exited the Navy when I left Adak and really miss all the great friends I had while there. 7/3/2017 1.FullName: Cynthia Parker 2.NickName: Cindy 3.ArriveDate: 1986 4.DepartDate: 1988 5.RateRating: MS3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Cindymom9099@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 6/24/2017 1.FullName: Terry Bruno 2.NickName: Terrance 3.ArriveDate: 1970 4.DepartDate: 1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: terry0bruno@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My third time on Adak. My father was a Chief Electrician in the SeaBees, the first tour... 1958-59. I was 8 years old and really had a great time... toured most of the island with my father and an old-family friend, Chief Joseph Herrera. Most of the old WWII stuff (left over) was still there, and I was finding warehouses stacked with army helmets, and smaller collections of cosmoline wrapped mechanics tools, and crates stating "Hand Grenade" and many other such items. ,The rock-crusher on the road to Finger Bay, was there... overlooking the Sweeper Cove, and the housing I lived in, Old Roberts Village. ,, The Second tour of Adak, was in 1966-67, when I was a Senior at AHS. Met my future wife, and life friend, Darlene Clements... and we stayed in touch for the next four years, while I served in the Navy Communications Group. I was stationed in Kamiseya and Hakata Annex, JN. Then I went to Navy Leadership school in S.D.,After a short visit with my mother and father, in Port Hueneme, CA (CBC PACFLT), I reported for duty on Adak (1970-71). I greeted a couple of old friends, Ray and Lee Willis, who were also in the Naval Security Group. I met them in 1966 in high school on Adak, was great to see them again. Lee has since died (RIP), and Ray and I keep in very close touch with each other.,,After my Adak NSGA stint, I was PNA for the second time and decided to get out and see my old flame, who was still waiting for my return. ,, I did stay in the reserves for the next 17 years, and enjoyed that very much. 5/11/2017 1.FullName: Laura Robin Smith 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: July 1984 4.DepartDate: July 1986 5.RateRating: RMSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: nissalane11@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: This was my first duty station. I worked at Mount Moffett. 4/12/2017 1.FullName: Pat Sheil 2.NickName: Pat 3.ArriveDate: 1963 4.DepartDate: 1964 5.RateRating: cttsn 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: psheil1942@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/6/2017 1.FullName: Horace C Drury 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: May 1955 4.DepartDate: June 1956 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tourssouth@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Enjoyed the work and became close friends with some great kids during my year there. We only used last names back then and now unable to locate most of them because I don't remember their names 1/19/2017 1.FullName: James Hare 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 5/56 4.DepartDate: 5/57 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Email: None 7.Comments: ADAK 8.OnLineRoster: No 1/9/2017 1.FullName: Robert Campbell 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: September 1970 4.DepartDate: September 1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: rdcampbell49@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 12/29/2016 1.FullName: Dan McElwreath 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 06/57 4.DepartDate: 06/58 5.RateRating: ct3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mcelwreathd@wpunj.edu 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: left Adak, went to Sidi Yahia,morocco. Hung around there with Mike Gondola, Dick Cona, and Gary Kirky. Anyone still around? 9/3/2016 1.FullName: berry f drake 2.NickName: beCharlie 3.ArriveDate: Nov 1968 4.DepartDate: Sept 1970 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: HFDF 8/28/2016 1.FullName: RUDY BLACK 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1970 4.DepartDate: 1971 5.RateRating: CPL USMC 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: Y2K9@RCN.COM 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was on the island a year with the Marine barracks unit,some of the best time of my 4 years in the marines were spent on Adak,made lots of friends.,Dated a girl by the name of Suzette Jennings ,spent a lot of time at the roller rink.,Really sorry to hear it a ghost town now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Worked with a Charlie Hatcher from Jamestown NY.,Wonder if hes still around ?? 8/11/2016 1.FullName: Donald Dickstein 2.NickName: Don 3.ArriveDate: 04 June 1971 4.DepartDate: 26 June 1972 5.RateRating: CTTSN - CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: DandCdickstein@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Classic Wizard 7/8/2016 1.FullName: Phyllis Manus 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: june 1972 4.DepartDate: june 1974 5.RateRating: 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: mtngal88@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was a navy wife who worked as a parts clerk for the transportation dept in the red shed, My husband was Dennis Leong a torpedosman mate. It was quite a shock going from year round summer (Guam ) to nearly year round fall-winter. I did enjoy my stay on Adak, such a unique place.. Took photos of the flowers. Did some hiking, bowling, and played softball. Even took some U of Alaska extension courses. , 6/23/2016 1.FullName: Clyde Clifford Sisk 2.NickName: Cliff or CC 3.ArriveDate: June 1973 4.DepartDate: May 1975 5.RateRating: CTTC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: ccsisk@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/23/2016 1.FullName: Elliott Shovar 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: September 1966 4.DepartDate: August 1968 5.RateRating: CTT2 - CTT1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: Worked Zeto Point with Vic True and Jim "Oink" Johnson. 5/15/2016 1.FullName: Marion Lee Miller 2.NickName: ching 3.ArriveDate: May 1967 4.DepartDate: May 1968 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Email: mlmiller1950@yahoo.com 7.Comments: Adak NSGA 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 4/3/2016 1.FullName: Lawrence j holleb 2.NickName: Larry 3.ArriveDate: April, 1970 4.DepartDate: April,1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Lholleb11@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/12/2016 1.FullName: Tony Peterson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1984 4.DepartDate: 1986 5.RateRating: ce3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tony.peterson@osumc.edu 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: stationed to nas was sent to nsga fire department. drove foxtrot(fire truck) 9 for a year also on the search and rescue team. best 2 1/2 years of my service 2/18/2016 1.FullName: Robert W. Sanford 2.NickName: Bob / Sandy 3.ArriveDate: 3/1967 4.DepartDate: 3/1968 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: bwsanford@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: HFDF Maint. 2/1/2016 1.FullName: David Martin 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: 11/1984 4.DepartDate: 10/1987 5.RateRating: RM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Theanchorholds247@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: First duty station out of radioman A school. I wondered where in the heck is Adak, Ak?,,Enjoyed my time. Got to cross train and become friends with Seabees, and civilians working antenna crews. 1/24/2016 1.FullName: Charles Nichols 2.NickName: Charlie 3.ArriveDate: Dec.12,1967 4.DepartDate: Dec.13,1968 5.RateRating: CTSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: ctnichols1947@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Initial flight from Anchorage to Adak on 12/11/67: part way through the flight the left engine burst into a raging fire. Anybody who knew or heard of that incident, please email me. After that, Adak was ok for me. Friends were great. Job was never with a dull moment. Hiked the island. Loved the Sea Otters. Visited WWII look-out posts and plane still in side of hill. Avoided the mines. Could see volcano smoking in distance; beautiful. Remember dayroom wallpapered with old Playboy centerfolds; beautiful. 1/18/2016 1.FullName: Glen E.Hanusa 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: Feb., 77, 1944 4.DischargeDate: May, 1946 5.RateRating: Yoeman 2/C 6.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 7.Email: Glensky@AOL.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Com17, Naval Intelligence 12/31/2015 1.FullName: James Dolan 2.NickName: Leaf 3.ArriveDate: Apr 1972 4.DepartDate: Apr 1973 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: dolanjs@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked Wide Band at Clam Lagoon. 12/22/2015 1.FullName: Jim Truex 2.NickName: Milt 3.ArriveDate: 6/15/70 4.DepartDate: 8/22/71 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: krisc566@mygait.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived via Reaves Aluetion Airlines. Snow was coming down sideways. I fell in love with the place as soon as I got off the plane. Within 6 hours me and a friend of mine were climbing Mt.Adagdak. We would flip a coin to see who would lead the walk through the mine fields. Twenty years old, nothing could hurt us, we were going to live forever.As the years go by I think about Adak alot, wishing that some day I could go back just for a day.I can wish can't I? If there is a guy named Tom Grumley out there I would love to hear from him. Hey Tom do you remember the battles we use to have with the two cooks in the mess hall? Foley and Webber. Got to go. Hope to hear from someone who was up there at around the same time. 12/7/2015 1.FullName: Milton B. Linzel 2.NickName: Moe 3.ArriveDate: Feb. 1947 4.DepartDate: Sept. 1947 5.RateRating: RM 3rd. class 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: mough2@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Just wondering if any of my Adak Radio City buddies are still alive and kicking 11/24/2015 1.FullName: Richard Rought 2.NickName: Rick 3.ArriveDate: Nov. 1972 4.DepartDate: Nov. 1973 5.RateRating: CTTPO3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: denver1rick@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 11/7/2015 1.FullName: robert f. martin 2.NickName: marty 3.ArriveDate: 1955 4.DepartDate: 1956 5.RateRating: ct3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tada65@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: i can't rememeber the exact dates that i arrived and left adak... sometime in feb or march of 55 for arival and lef in feb of 56 10/1/2015 1.FullName: Dan McElwreath 2.NickName: Dan 3.ArriveDate: 06/57 4.DepartDate: 06/58 5.RateRating: ct3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mcelwreathd@wpunj.edu 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 9/5/2015 1.FullName: Steven G Whitman 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 12/77 4.DischargeDate: 6/81 5.RateRating: rm2 6.MilitaryStatus: VeteranUSN 7.Email: bootsconstinc@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Rota Spain 2yrs Adak ak. speccom 18mo. looking for tom Milton rm3 8/11/2015 1.FullName: Butch Hansen 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 1988 4.DepartDate: Aug 1990 5.RateRating: MM1 (SS) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: hansene1@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was in 90 Dept NSGA Security 7/27/2015 1.FullName: Craig Charles Melms 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 1970 4.DepartDate: June 1971 5.RateRating: CTSN-CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: ccmelms@icloud.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Stationed at Zeto Point/SISS ZULU. After tour in Adak was completed, I went on to serve in Todendorf (Name was added to the Todendorf roster on 7/25/15. 7/17/2015 1.FullName: Charles E. Watts 2.NickName: Charlie 3.ArriveDate: March 1973 4.DepartDate: March 1974 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: cewatts1972@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Update my e-mail address.,,Thanks Joe.,, 6/6/2015 1.FullName: Terry L. Bruno 2.NickName: Terry 3.ArriveDate: 1970 4.DepartDate: 1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: terry0bruno@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My third tour on Adak! Was there as a dependent of my CB dad, CEC Anthony (Bruce) Bruno.,,1. 1958-59 (8 years old),2. 1966-67 (Graduated from Adak High School),3. 1970-71 (Worked at NSGA, as a CTR3),,Played in several bands (Bass Guitar & Vocals) with Harvey Patton. The Harvey Rock Bottom Band, and the Harvey Wallbanger Band.,,Drove a '57 Ford Super and a Honda 90 dirt bike.,, Loved that Rock!,Would go back in a minute!! 5/29/2015 1.FullName: wayne croshier 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: July 1968 4.DepartDate: oct 1969 5.RateRating: CT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 407croshier@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/29/2015 1.FullName: Terry L. Bruno 2.NickName: Terry 3.ArriveDate: June 1970 4.DepartDate: May 1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: terry0bruno@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Left Pensacola, FL. after "A" school, and was sent to Kamiseya, Japan. I was a ditty chaser for about 8mo. I flew two missions on an EC-121 Constellation interceptor over Vietnam and the coast of N. Korea. This was just before several buddies of mine were shot down by N. Korean Migs, while I was on watch, listening to their screams (crys) for help. We all tried to get the watch CPO to get Atsugi Air Station to scramble some fighters to the scene, however for some reason, the U.S. didn't. I think it was a political move on the part of Washington. (Guess I'll never know).,From then on though, I was always on DLG's (U.S.S. Sterett [DLG-31] comes to mind. I didn't fly anymore intel flights, however. I didn't want to die that way. I did put in for submarine duty, but it was getting close to my transfer date, so I never made that.,My next tour of duty, was a transfer to Hakata (Annex) NSGA. ,,I loved Hakata, there was beautiful weather, most of the time... not counting the snowy winters and typhoons in the summer. But overall, it was a lot of fun, and after 3-4 months I was 'promoted' to DF, and used to stand duty at a remote site several miles from the main base. The beaches were beautiful, and even though it had been a WWII, Jap seaplane base... special services had a couple of 22ft sailboats, which we had a blast cruising around Fukuoka Bay.,One of my most memorable work events is when our chief, was demonstrating the use of thermite grenades to destroy equipment. He would set one atop a stack of old R390s and other obsolete radio gear, and we would watch it burn all the way through to the ground. Smoke galore! ,I guess most of us enjoyed off time at Saitozaki (sp), where the ferry would take us across the bay to the city of Fukuoka. (Saitozaki, by the way was a blast in itself, although that is where I learned 'not to drink so much! ,Fukuoka on the other hand, was a cultural experience. I learned much of my 'conversational' Japanese there. I found out what eel tasted like, and bought items for half the price it would have cost me back home. ,I played in a couple of bands, at various venues on base, as well as at Fukuoka night clubs, where we were hailed as if we were the "Beatles"! It was exciting and fun.,I played bass-guitar, and paid $100.00 each for two 60 Watt, dual 12" speaker 'GUYA-TONE' amplifiers, with a custom made bass. I still have one of the dual 12" speaker cabinets in my garage!,,I had an old R390 for a long time that I had bought on eBay, but had to let that go, for a downpayment on a new home. ,,After Japan, I got duty at a Naval Leadership School, in San Diego for several weeks. Don't know if I really got anything out of that... was long, boring classes!,,Next thing after a two week visit with my Mom & Dad in Port Hueneme, CA. I was off to my old stomping grounds, Adak, AK.,Being the son of a career Chief Electrician in the Navy SeaBees, I had traveled all around the Pacific. I had been on Okinawa when I was only 8 years old, and remember all of the unexploded grenades, bullets, mortar shells, and etc. all over the island. This was in 1960, and I didn't realize the potential of these devices. I was once up in a resort beach R&R facility, called Ishikawa (I believe) and took off into the boonies, by my self, and found a cave, grown over with vines and all sorts of vegetation. In it, there were the burnt remains of a Zero, several piles of human bones, Japanese food supplies, and rifles and boxes of who-know-what? I didn't stay long, as it was getting late and I knew my parents would be looking for me. I did manage to bring home a human skull, which was found in my front porch storage room by our maid, who screamed and never came back!,Between that and the native Habu snake, which was extremely venomous I don't know how I survived!!!,,Two years prior to that, I was up on Adak, AK; as an elementary student. I had a great time between my dad and another Chief who took me all over the island. Since it had been only 15 years or so since WWII, I had the advantage of finding all sorts of cosmolene wrapped tools, piles of helmet liners, and other exciting (to an 8 year old) items.,,Next in 1966, I was a senior attending Adak High School, where I graduated in 1967. As it turned out, two of my best friends and classmates, Ray and Lee Willis, were the sons of Chief Willis (a CT as well). When the three of us went back home, the Vietnam war was going full bore, and we all three joined the navy and became 'Communications Technicians'. Lee were the "O" route, Ray the "T" route, and I the "R" route. We all worked at the CDAA together, and had a great time pursuing our exploration of Adak, or playing poker in the rec-room.,I played (for the first time) in a band, in 1967 and continued while a CT. I was in a group called "Harvey Rock Bottom Band"... we played at all the clubs on base, including the Ptarmigan, Chiefs Club, O'Club, EM Club, Tundra Tavern, and even live on AFRTS (I had an audio tape of that... but it's buried in my 'rafter' boxes as well.,, 73's to all of you, I hope your tour was as fun as mine (I'm 66 years old now... had triple bypass surgery, have diabetes, suffered an industrial accident while working at NBVC (Naval Air Station, Point Mugu, CA; and CBC, Port Hueneme; Naval Construction Battalion) in 2008 and now have no insurance due to "OBAMA-CARE". ,,God bless, write me if you find time, I really enjoy communicating about the items above.,, Terry L. Bruno (X-U.S. Navy; CTR4 final rank/rate).,terry0bruno@gmail.com,Port Hueneme, CA 93041 , 4/11/2015 1.FullName: Anthony J. Bruno 2.NickName: Bruce, Tony 3.EnlistDate: 1942 4.DischargeDate: 1972 5.RateRating: CEC 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: NOTIFY SON: Terry L. Bruno - terry0bruno@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Was on Adak first time 1957-59. Supervised reconnection of phone cables all over the base, in particular at the traffic circle. He had a team of CB's running pumps, and melting lead, to repair to put the 600 pair lead telephone cables that had been ripped apart in the '57 quake.,Also had to rewire a lot of wiring at Candle Stick bridge at Clam Lagoon. They allowed coms between NAS and Zeto Point operations.,, Then I was back on Adak, in 1966/67. Mostly running the power plants scattered all over the island. Had a good crew. My wife was an operator at the telephone exchange both tours. My oldest son was a Senior at AHS, and graduated and when we returned home in Port Hueneme, CA. he joined the Navy and became a CT. Within a few years, he was back on Adak, as a CTR4, at COMSTA. I was in Vietnam as my last year came round, and was under the planes dropping Agent Orange. I have since came down with Myelofibrosis. I have been given 5-10 years.,,NOTE: SINCE THIS HAS BEEN FILED, MY FATHER, Anthony J. Bruno, CEC has died of Agent Orange, after three terrible months he died. (November - Thanksgiving Eve, 1990). He was only 66 years old. That is how old I am now. Terry L. Bruno, CTR5 (terry0bruno@gmail.com), 4/3/2015 1.FullName: Barry B Barrineau 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 19 Aug 1968 4.DischargeDate: 08 Jul 71 5.RateRating: CE2 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: barrbear@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: NavCommSta Adak, Dong Tam River Boat Base, Viet Nam 3/30/2015 1.FullName: Marc Hamilton 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 11/15/1970 4.DepartDate: 12/15/1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mchamilton49@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/19/2015 1.FullName: Timothy Mayo Britt 2.NickName: T Mayo 3.ArriveDate: January, 1971 4.DepartDate: November, 1971 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: AnalyticalBrain@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was assigned to Zeto Point. I designed and set up the first permanent communications link between Zeto Point and NAVCOMSTA Adak so we didn't have to courier data back and forth. 3/19/2015 1.FullName: Ron Habernal 2.NickName: Hab 3.ArriveDate: April 1968 4.DepartDate: April 1969 5.RateRating: CTI-2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: ron.habernal@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Would like to hear from anyone who knows the whereabouts of Mike Desmond, Joe Kopczynski, George Colishaw? 2/20/2015 1.FullName: Susan C. Melnychuk 2.NickName: Sue 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1977 - Jul 1978 4.DepartDate: Comms 5.RateRating: CTOSA - CTO3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: scmelnychuk@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 2/20/2015 1.FullName: John D Armstrong 2.NickName: JD 3.ArriveDate: Aug 65 4.DepartDate: Mar 67 5.RateRating: CTR1/CTRC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Ana@mtaonline.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Thoroughly enjoyed Life on Adak 2/20/2015 1.FullName: Howard Dahill 2.NickName: Howie 3.ArriveDate: 1967 4.DepartDate: 1968 5.RateRating: CTRSN CTR3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: hdahill@live.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked as an HFDF operator. Enjoyed the fishing and hiking and the rides down the hill on the big sleds. 1/29/2015 1.FullName: Harry R. Johnson 2.NickName: Gunner 3.ArriveDate: 1991 4.DepartDate: 1993 5.RateRating: GMG2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: hiorder@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: NSGA Security Dept; Command Armorer and Rangemaster from 1991-1993. Best duty station of my career. As it turned out, lighting off a CS gas grenade inside the Range shack to get rid of the rats was not such a great idea. :P 1/22/2015 1.FullName: Frederick M Kline 2.NickName: Fred 3.ArriveDate: Oct 1971 4.DepartDate: Oct 1972 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: fmkline22@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Just added my name Jan 22, 2015. Would like to hear from old friends and acquaintances. 1/18/2015 1.FullName: Terry l. Bruno 2.NickName: Terry 3.ArriveDate: June 1970 4.DepartDate: April 1971 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tbruno@mail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My third tour on Adak! First: 1958 - 60 (rug rat with my CB Electrician), Second: 1966-67), Senior, Adak High (rug rat with my CB father ;Anthony J. Bruno CEC), Third: CTR3, NAVCOMSTA (1970 - 72). I wouldn't trade one minute of my Adak days for any place I've ever been. I love Adak, and always will. My last two tours put me in two bands... "The Squidz", and later "the Harvey Rock Bottom Band". We played at all the clubs on Adak, 'The Tunrda Tavern', 'The Bering Hill E,M. Club', The Chiefs Club', 'the NSGA E.M. Club', and many others.,I had two great buddies Ray & Lee (R.I.P.)... Ray is retired now, and 'shelters' in Florida during the winters, and drives cross country every summer, usually stopping here in Port Hueneme, CA, visiting with us for 2-4 weeks, on the way back to Florida.,We have a great time with him and his lovely wife, Karen. We met in Las Vegas at an "all years school class reunion", about 9-10 years ago, which was very interesting. Didn't know many too many students... As the school was K-12, and over the dozens of years that kids have been attending what is now known as Bob Reeves School.,I do know that Skip South and Ray Lewis have both moved on to a better place, and Ray, Karen, my wife Darlene (Clements) Bruno met up with Paul Moorehead. ,Best wishes to all Adakians, whenever you may have been on the 'Rock'.,Hopefully we will meet there again in the next life. "Fair Winds", and best wishes... For all time and eternity.,CTR5 Terry L. Bruno (01/18/2015) 12/31/2014 1.FullName: Dwane Knott 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Oct 1987 4.DepartDate: Mar 1989 5.RateRating: CWO3 (M Branch) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dwane779@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 11/24/2014 1.FullName: Thomas A. Dawson 2.NickName: Tom 3.ArriveDate: Jul 77/Mar 84 4.DepartDate: Aug 78/Mar 86 5.RateRating: CTM3/CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: gman0509@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: My first duty station out of C school was Adak. What a shock! After a few weeks I began to get acquainted with the island and ended up having a great tour. 6 years later I would turn down orders to Staff duty at CINCPAC in Hawaii just to go back to Adak. It saddens me deeply to see how she has grown old and fallen in such a sad state. I have so many memories and had so many adventures on that hunk of volcanic rock. Our son was born on Adak August 21, 1984. It made the tour all that more special. I will never forget Adak and what she gave to me. I recall once as I stood on Kuluk beach I paused and still swear to this day I could hear the collective breathing of mankind. I will always feel a pull in my heart from Adak, that grand old lady. 11/21/2014 1.FullName: Robert Davis 2.NickName: Bob Davis 3.ArriveDate: Aug 1983 4.DepartDate: Oct 1985 5.RateRating: CM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: debnbob@roadrunner.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Enjoyed NSGA ADAK 40Department Transportation. Liked the Halibut But did not like plowing Mount Moffett. Lots of SNOW! 2.00 BUD BEER and Coed Dorms GOOD TIMES! 11/6/2014 1.FullName: Teddy L Landis 2.NickName: Ted 3.ArriveDate: Nov 1969 4.DepartDate: Oct 1970 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tedandsusie@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Got off the island early to be home for my first anniversary 10/30/2014 1.FullName: Lewis Gibson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 10/88 4.DepartDate: 3/90 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: lewisegibson@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 9/24/2014 1.FullName: Paul m.steinhauer 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Aug 1966 4.DepartDate: Aug 1967 5.RateRating: Ctt3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Scharpaul@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Looking to locate Tom Collins...kamiseya 68-69 9/13/2014 1.FullName: David M. Scoles 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: Jul/Aug 73 4.DepartDate: Jul/Aug 75 5.RateRating: CTT1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: cttdave@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: WB watch section supvr. Also worked for Reeve Aleutin Airways part time. Enjoyed the work, both Navy and RAA. Loved hiking, hunting, camping on the island, and partying, esp off-the-mid shi.....!!! But not necessarily in that order!!! Really enjoyed my time there and the people I worked/partied with. 8/28/2014 1.FullName: leonard g. Sleutel 2.NickName: len 3.ArriveDate: 9-6-55 4.DepartDate: 9-6-56 5.RateRating: YNT3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: lenrose1237@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: glad to be on the roster. 8/27/2014 1.FullName: leonard G. Sleutel 2.NickName: Len 3.EnlistDate: 11/1954 4.DischargeDate: 12-1960 5.RateRating: ynt3 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: lenrose1237@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Great Lakes,boot camp, Naval sec. sta. Washington DC, Navcommsta Adak Alaska 1955-1956, Kami Seya Japan. 8/8/2014 1.FullName: george martyak 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 9-64 4.DepartDate: 9-65 5.RateRating: ct3 hfdf 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: imsillygo@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: got to Adak few months after tidal wave hit anchorage...lots of good memories of good friends...played basketball and softball...trying to get in touch with some old friends.. nothing like memory lane..be glad to hear from any old shipmates...have been in tuch ith rob krom, ed sleeper and tom brandt 7/23/2014 1.FullName: Bob Wardwell 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 3/70 4.DepartDate: 3/71 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dandbwardwell@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/20/2014 1.FullName: Larry J Pushman 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 10/1963 4.DischargeDate: 10/1969 5.RateRating: EN2 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: Larpush@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Station on Adak from 6/65 to 6/66 in Power Plant Div. 7/17/2014 1.FullName: Scott Brown 2.NickName: Brownie 3.ArriveDate: Sep 1984 4.DepartDate: Dec 1985 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: sabscot@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I remember the barracks, chapel, library, chow hall, bowling alley, snack bar, weight room, admin building, circular antenna array building, the golf ball work-site, Clam Lagoon, the wood shop, working with the Seabees for fun as a CT, meals-on-wheels at the work site, van pool rides to work (especially for the mid-shifts), my Copal alarm clock (purchased during USN tour in Hawaii and only crapped out June 2014!), and...the airport, fishing for Halibut, hunting for Ptarmagan, the Naval Air Station, 31 Flavors ice cream store, white-outs (blizzards), rat hunts outside building, and egg-shells in my food. 7/15/2014 1.FullName: Larry A Sivers 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 1965 4.DepartDate: June 1966 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: Lasivers@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/7/2014 1.FullName: Richard Alger 2.NickName: Dick 3.ArriveDate: 10/67 4.DepartDate: 10/68 5.RateRating: CTSN-CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dickalger@cfl.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: First real duty station, lonely place but grew up a lot. Enjoyed hiking. Met some great men that had a great impact on my navy development; Vic True, Jerry Burns, Bobbie Stephens, Stonewall Coke, to say a few. 6/1/2014 1.FullName: William C. Hazel Jr 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: Nov 1971 4.DepartDate: June 1973 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: wchazel3@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Adak was a good tour for me and my career. Very lonely on occasion even with my X-wife there....... wished it could have been better but will never for Adak. 5/21/2014 1.FullName: David A. Lawson 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: 2/62 4.DepartDate: 2/63 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dvlwsn@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/9/2014 1.FullName: Richard A. Hair 2.NickName: Dick 3.ArriveDate: May 1956 4.DepartDate: May 25, 1957 5.RateRating: CTTSN/CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: RHair0907@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Actually it wasn't that bad. Thank God for the gym! I only wished they had put an electric motor on the backboard that had to be wound up every time we wanted to see a movie! 5/2/2014 1.FullName: James M Polley 2.NickName: Jim 3.ArriveDate: 12/10/63 4.DepartDate: 12/20/64 5.RateRating: CTM3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: schutzke@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: MatMan "Huts" 4/23/2014 1.FullName: wayne baker 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 9/69 4.DepartDate: 4/70 5.RateRating: ctt2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: amandatwopines@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Captain of the first basketball all star team in 1969-1970 4/5/2014 1.FullName: Dalton Eugene Franklin 2.NickName: Gene 3.ArriveDate: Feb 1966 4.DepartDate: Mar 1969 5.RateRating: CTMSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: sfrank7773@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My father retired 1987 as CTMCM after 26 years served at NSGA Adak during the above times. I guess he got lucky and got to stay three years there as he had three kids and a wife. He loved it there..it was better then the middle of nowhere Texas farm he grew up at so he enjoyed the fishing and duck hunting. I remember him toting those 10 duck decoys around for years from one duty station to the next waiting on another great duck hunting assignment. He left there to Puerto Rico with two short stops for school one in Great Lakes Apr 1969-Oct 1969 and Portsmouth Oct 1969-Nov 1969 (where in Portsmouth while checking out of the base he left his car running and it was stolen). Went to Puerto Rico and they found his car two months later abandoned in Nebraska. I wonder who just discharged from the Navy that day at Portsmouth and needed a ride to Nebraska :) 4/3/2014 1.FullName: William D. Glascock 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: 9-23-46 4.DepartDate: 7-25-47 5.RateRating: CT 2 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: wdg4406@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Played on the Radio City basketball team & won almost all of our games. I think the only loss was to an Army team. After Adak was Station at Winter Harbor. Please email me if you know me. 3/29/2014 1.FullName: Lou Cromley 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 10/67 4.DepartDate: 10/68 5.RateRating: SHB3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: duckey6400@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked in crews barber shop and officers barber shop. Not a good duty station for a 18 year old . Met some good people. 3/23/2014 1.FullName: Clyde Clifford Sisk 2.NickName: Cliff 3.ArriveDate: June 1973 4.DepartDate: May 1975 5.RateRating: CTTC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: ccsisk@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/3/2014 1.FullName: Michael E. Mills 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Apr 1965 4.DepartDate: Mar 1966 5.RateRating: CTA2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: romic1998@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/2/2014 1.FullName: Robert E. Suthers, Jr. 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: June 1971 4.DepartDate: November 1972 5.RateRating: RMSA/RMSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: bob5231951@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed my short tour of duty on Adak. I worked at the NCS Message Center for a short time, then transferred into Tech Control. I worked with a great group of people and made some good friends on Adak, of whom I have thought of often down through years. I wouldn't mind visiting the island again someday. 2/23/2014 1.FullName: Robert tucker 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: 17 Dec 63 4.DepartDate: 2 Dec 64 5.RateRating: PN2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: bobtucker316@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: A very exciting and memorable year, had just reenlisted and this was my reward. Just joking! I've always said a duty station is what you personally make of it. I learn what a earth tremor felt like, plus we experience the Good Friday earth quake on the mainland. Remember staying up all nite waiting for that dam tsunami to land on the island. On the brighter side I took up a new hobby of processing my own photo pictures. Also, learned how to use a "open face" fishing reel which landed me a part time job of running the boat house at lake Andrews. After all is said and done, it was a very special year, thanks to all my shipmates. 2/6/2014 1.FullName: Gary Harris 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: April 1976 4.DepartDate: January 1978 5.RateRating: YN2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: yncusn@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was assigned to the Admin office at COMSTA, got to be a plank owner when we became NSA. 2/5/2014 1.FullName: Teddy L Landis 2.NickName: Ted 3.ArriveDate: Oct. 24 1969 4.DepartDate: Oct. 10 1970 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: tedandsusie@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great time on the Rock, Didn't know it at the time. Made some great friends. Was Dorm PO, what a job. Climbed Mt. Adagdak, got a sunburn. Worked in the bowling alley and ironed clothes to make money. 1/30/2014 1.FullName: Lawrence J Gagliardi 2.NickName: Larry 3.ArriveDate: Jan 66 4.DepartDate: Jan 67 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: vivagolf@windstream.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/27/2014 1.FullName: Darel Maden 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 5-65 4.DepartDate: 6-66 5.RateRating: Ct3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: I8dbbqonroute66@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/15/2014 1.FullName: Robert Adamson 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: 12/85 4.DepartDate: 05/88 5.RateRating: UT2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: twoemptypockets67@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked at the UT shop and waste water treatment plant. Had a great time on the rock and really hate to see the present condition but would still love to go back to visit. Worked with Mike Jefferson, Jerry shephard, Allen VanMeter & Richard Jones. 1/8/2014 1.FullName: Dave Lindey 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 03 Jan 1972 4.DepartDate: 01 Jun 1973 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dlindey@sw.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Final active tour at Edzell, 1973-1977. Retired 1991 as CTMC in USNR. Served at Sabana Seca, Pensacola, Homestead & various reserve activities. 1/3/2014 1.FullName: Gary D. Carter 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: May 1960 4.DepartDate: May 1961 5.RateRating: CT2 (M) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: gdcarter@va.metrocast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Lonely, lonely, place but wouldn't change it for anything. Met a lot of good friends and wish I could see them again. Proud to have been there. Great salmon fishing, hiked a lot, camped out at Zeto Point, but was glad to get back to civilization. 12/12/2013 1.FullName: Gale J. Rugg 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan. 1958 4.DepartDate: Jan 1959 5.RateRating: Seaman to CTO 3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: GJGM@Centurytel.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: ,Posted this several years ago:, I liked Adak for 1 year 6 hours & 29 minutes 12/11/2013 1.FullName: David Garcia 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: May 1976 4.DepartDate: May11, 1977 5.RateRating: SW3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dgxl1200c@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Best duty station ever. 12/2/2013 1.FullName: James N Massey 2.NickName: Jimi 3.ArriveDate: 12/1970 4.DepartDate: 12/1971 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jimimassey@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was a CT-T brancher working in Special Projects,, I xfer'd from Adak to Naval Weapons Laboratory Research Centger, Dahlgren Virginia for 6 months then to Yokosuka Japan to the Technical Guidance Unit 11/21/2013 1.FullName: John H. Macke III 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 4/01/75 4.DepartDate: 3/30/76 5.RateRating: L/Cpl 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mackestm@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Did 1 year with Co.I at Commsta. Seemed as if the inmates ran the ,asylum. We made beds(racks)with Mickey Mouse bedsheets until PX,"downtown" ran out of them. 54 times around basketball court equals,3 miles. Highlight was movies in gym at night; would leave bleachers,and grab giant boobs on screen, drunken SeaBee "Okie" would set up, chair at door and charge admission to new arrivals(movies were free),then return to bar., Defecated in coffee can, covered top with aluminum foil, presented,to lone sailor on mid-watch, all sang "happy birthday" and told him,it was fresh baked cookies. He tore open top with both hands...., On/Off switch for jet-engine sized food grinder in scullery sink was,clear across chow hall. Would dump 1 gal. can of olives with seeds ,into it along with plastic bowl and some silverware. Had new guys lean,over sink and out scullery window to wave at me across noisy chow hall, if "fuse had been fixed on it"., Everyone would randomly and rapidly say the words "prick" or ,"fuck it" like a chorus of frogs under our breath as CO would approach,formation. That was also rough on new arrivals who could not keep,straight face upon being called to attention., No eggs or milk in deepest part of winter. 3 meals of fried baloney,,pancakes made of cake batter and bug juice. No women until last 6,weeks I was there, could change hands and gain a stroke. Heat would,not work on entire floor sometimes(maybe fuel shortage). Olympia beer,in beer machine in rec room was cheaper than Coca-Cola for a time.,Would lose entire secure communications to mainland for several ,minutes at the "shotgun" when weather changed rapidly. Grabbed seat,of taxi at Anchorage Airport with white knuckles after going 40 mph,for first time in one year when I left. Also stood in front of TV at, Elmendorf AFB and constantly turned channels for 30 minutes because,hadn't seen live TV in one year., 11/18/2013 1.FullName: Clifford Hall 2.NickName: POOOL Hall 3.ArriveDate: Feb 1965 4.DepartDate: Feb 1966 5.RateRating: CTR 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: CLFFTY50@AOL.COM 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Adagadak the big hill behind the baracks at shotgun. climbed it twice.,I remember there was lots of dogs one of which namce was ceaser? 11/16/2013 1.FullName: Chris Robitaille 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 1979 4.DepartDate: 1980 5.RateRating: ET2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: robitaillechris@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Adak was the best. I posted pictures several years ago,,, https://sites.google.com/site/nsgaadak1979/ 11/7/2013 1.FullName: Barry Stewart 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 06/64 4.DepartDate: 06/65 5.RateRating: CTTSN/CTT3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: bgstewart55@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Working in Ops and at Shotgun site 11/6/2013 1.FullName: Gerald Aldrich 2.NickName: Baby Beef 3.ArriveDate: 1964 4.DepartDate: 1965 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: gerryaldrich1@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Anyone remember AFRS? 11/4/2013 1.FullName: Richard Holt 2.NickName: Dick 3.ArriveDate: June 55 4.DepartDate: Aug 56 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 10/8/2013 1.FullName: Terry E. Tucker 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 6-24-64 4.DischargeDate: 6-22-68 5.RateRating: RM2 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: ttucker1944@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Naval Training Station-For boot camp, Radioman A School and , Teletype Repair School,NAVCOMSTA Adak, Alaska- Worked at P70 Receiver Site.,USS Eldorado AGC-11 - CR Div. TTY Repairman 9/1/2013 1.FullName: Kirk Rice 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Feb 1975 4.DepartDate: DEC 1975 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: karice@wildblue.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 9/1/2013 1.FullName: Kirk Rice 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jul 1980 4.DepartDate: May 1981 5.RateRating: CTO2(NAC) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: karice@wildblue.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 8/31/2013 1.FullName: John R. Atwood 2.NickName: "Tex" 3.ArriveDate: Apr 1964 4.DepartDate: Apr 1965 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jatwood630@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Anyone remember the Adak National Forest on the road from NavSta to the SecGru facility. The sign and trash can was larger than the trees. We won the Naval District Basketball tournament held at NavSta Adak and traveled to Kodiak for training and then on to Seal Beach CA to play in the regionals. I was on churches when we left Adak with a severe ankle sprain from the previous night. 8/31/2013 1.FullName: Robert C. Fish 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 20 October 1963 4.DepartDate: 24 November 1964 5.RateRating: CTI3 and CTI1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: rcf4@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Served two tours, the second commencing 20 May 1972 and ending 22 November 1973. Add dates are approximate as memory is what it used to be. 8/29/2013 1.FullName: Louis E. Milliner 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 11/65 4.DischargeDate: 11/71 5.RateRating: RM2 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: lmillin1@tampabay.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: NSGA/SpecCom P80 Adak, Alaska The year spent in Adak was from , I believe it was 6/68 to 6/69. 8/27/2013 1.FullName: Patrick M. "Pat" O'Donnell 2.NickName: Pat or Doc 3.ArriveDate: Dec 1966 4.DepartDate: Dec 1967 5.RateRating: DT 3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: pmobbo@intrstar.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Dr. Warren G. Marrinacio were assigned to the dental department in April 1967 and both were there till I left in Dec 1967 I Had two roommates durning that time Mike Carpenter (California) and Tom Dorsey, tom was the night baker the Dr. and I hade hot donuts every morning would like to hear from some of my shipmates that where there at that time 8/20/2013 1.FullName: Bob Sewell 2.NickName: Scott 3.ArriveDate: 1969 4.DepartDate: 1970 5.RateRating: CTO2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: sewellrs@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I saw someone commented that they worked for Bill Zurbrugg while on Adak in the supply department..I married Bills oldest daughter y72 after leaving Adak. Although I was an O brancher I worked back in Tech Control after attending BDTSS C School at P'Cola . 8/16/2013 1.FullName: Gordon Etchison 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 27 September 1984 4.DepartDate: 2 October 1987 5.RateRating: UT1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: gletchison@cableone.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked at NSGA 40 Department, Seabees. 8/11/2013 1.FullName: Ed Barno 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: July 1972 4.DepartDate: July 1973 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: icecalving@cvinternet.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Been living in Alaska since departing the "Rock" in 73. 7/18/2013 1.FullName: David Phillips 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: 1960 4.DepartDate: 1961 5.RateRating: L/Cpl 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: drphillips76@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Went up by ship with about 20 other Marines. Worked on TV and Radio on off duty days. Can't remember the name of the Navy Chief in charge of AFRTV at the time but was a very nice guy to work for. Spent most of my duty time on patrol around the island. I had to check in at different points around the island. The Air Force had it the best. I remember they had actual rooms with beds the looked like beds. Loved my time there. Would love to go back once before I move to that island of no return. 7/17/2003 1.FullName: Robert A. Krom 2.NickName: Rob/Bob 3.ArriveDate: Nov. 1964 4.DepartDate: Nov. 1965 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: ramtkrom@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Although it was a isolated duty station, I enjoyed hiking and the great guys I served with. 7/4/2013 1.FullName: MIKE MEEK 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: JULY 68 4.DepartDate: JULY 69 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: MRMEEK48@YAHOO.COM 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/4/2013 1.FullName: berry f. drake 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Nov 68 4.DepartDate: oct 70 5.RateRating: CTRCS 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked HFDF. Can't recall everyone but worked with CTR1 Zane Bedient, Chiefs Cockran, LeBlanc, and Rhodes 6/26/2013 1.FullName: Phillip James Moody 2.NickName: PJ 3.ArriveDate: 1965 4.DepartDate: 1966 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: phillipmoody@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Trying to reconnect with old shipmates. Good memories of a tuff duty station 6/24/2013 1.FullName: Jon Munizza 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: FEB 1973 4.DepartDate: JAN 1974 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jmunizza@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Had great times on Adak. Played more guitar and had more fun than should be allowed. Quarter beers in the machines and shooting rats at the dump. What more could a boy ask for??!! 6/7/2013 1.FullName: Michael Warmoth 2.NickName: Mike 3.ArriveDate: 1989 4.DepartDate: 1993 5.RateRating: RM1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: warmothm@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was Stationed at both NSGA and NCTS Sweepers Cove. Spent 4 years on Island. Saved a lot of money. Met and made a lot of friends. Even lost one. Had an ET1 friend who committed suicide while on Adak. Adak could make you or break you. I remember driving all over the island in my 89 S10 Blazer 4x4, without a cell phone to call for help. 6/6/2013 1.FullName: George Miller 2.NickName: Smokey 3.ArriveDate: Jan, 1973 4.DepartDate: Dec 1973 5.RateRating: CTO 3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: georgemiller1951@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/10/2013 1.FullName: William Bagwell 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: 7/1/58 4.DepartDate: 7/4/59 5.RateRating: CT3 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 5/9/2013 1.FullName: Roger Dobbins 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 9/68 4.DepartDate: 9/69 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: Artefax@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: W/S at Shotgun 4/17/2013 1.FullName: Joseph B Straub 2.NickName: Joe 3.ArriveDate: 07/63 4.DepartDate: 01/65 5.RateRating: CTT1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jstraubsr1@att.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/14/2013 1.FullName: Marty Benoit 2.NickName: marty 3.ArriveDate: 1990 4.DepartDate: 1993 5.RateRating: MS2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: martymarty54@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: miss a lot of people from my time up there. wondering where bu t.j. simon is, 3/12/2013 1.FullName: george a rogers 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: june 1969 4.DepartDate: june 1970 5.RateRating: ctrsn/ctr3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 2/25/2013 1.FullName: John Merkle 2.NickName: Jack 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1967 4.DepartDate: Jan 1968 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: ourstuff80134@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: I have already added my info to the on-line roster. Third phase T birds from the era please contact me. 2/20/2013 1.FullName: Donald C. Craig 2.NickName: Chris 3.ArriveDate: 27 Feb 1962 4.DepartDate: 26 Feb 1963 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: donscoupe@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 2/3/2013 1.FullName: Sammy F. Lane 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan. 1971 4.DepartDate: Nov. 1971 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: SLane46697@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: R branch line spvr. Moved into office with CTRC Scarlett and CTRCS Fritz Schubert as Div. P.O. Best buddy was P/R man, DES, CTR1 who lived in base housing. Had a blast fishing, rat shooting at the dump, hiking, treking all over the island. Great tour. 2/1/2013 1.FullName: Milton B. Linzel 2.NickName: Moe 3.EnlistDate: Nov. 9, 1945 4.DischargeDate: Oct. 28, 1947 5.RateRating: Rm 3rd class 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: mough2@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: Radio City Adak, Alaska Feb. '47 to Sept. '47 , Celebrated 19th. birthday at Radio City, Adak prior to ,honorable discharge 10/28/47. 1.FullName: Lisa Holman 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: October 8, 1986 4.DepartDate: May 4, 1988 5.RateRating: CE3 6.Duty: NRS Adak 7.Email: weezybee@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Sad to see that everything is a ghost town...my follow on tour, NRRF Kamiseya Japan is shuttered to...had fun and lots of good and bad memories..., 1/23/2013 1.FullName: Milton B. Linzel 2.NickName: Moe 3.ArriveDate: Feb. 1947 4.DepartDate: Sept. 1947 5.RateRating: RM 3rd class 6.Duty: Other-Adak 7.Email: mough2@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Served as radioman 3rd. Class at Radio City Adak. Received my last needed credit for High School graduation by attending night school at "The Bering Institute". Celebrated my nineth Birthday while on,Adak and was discharged Sept. 1947. 1/16/2013 1.FullName: Patrick L Harrington 2.NickName: Pat 3.ArriveDate: 1/1970 4.DepartDate: 4/1971 5.RateRating: CTM1 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: pharrington1@sbcglobal.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/5/2013 1.FullName: George Jackson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 5/1965 4.DepartDate: 6/1967 5.RateRating: LCDR 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: geoljack@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/2/2013 1.FullName: Francis X. Cecil II 2.NickName: Applejack 3.ArriveDate: 11/1975 4.DepartDate: 12/1976 5.RateRating: CTA3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: fxcecil2@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1/1/2013 1.FullName: Ricardo A. Cordero 2.NickName: Ricky 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1986 4.DepartDate: july 1989 5.RateRating: CTM3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: cordero_richy@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Stationed at NSGA Adak. HFDF deparment. Also worked with the antenna crew at NSGA and Mt Moffet 12/28/2012 1.FullName: Joseph Lauer 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Sept. 9 1968 4.DepartDate: Dec.17 1969 5.RateRating: Bucn Bu3 Bu2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: jlauer@spheretrending.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived with sixteen classmates from Port Hueneme Ca. Builders "A" school. Fifteen others went to Midway Island.,I worked in the Supply Dept. packing division under Mr. Bill Zurbrugg. Adak was good to me. I made E-5 the day before I left,went exactly half around the world to Kenitra, Morrocco. Since than have travel to all seven continents. Born and rasied in Illinois, now live in Leland Mi. 12/16/2012 1.FullName: John Parker 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 2/1968 4.DepartDate: 1/1969 5.RateRating: CTOSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: adakjrp@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I remember getting busted out of the comm spaces based on poor military demeanor and being assigned to work for the Seabees and then Special Services where I got to keep the basketballs filled with air and schedule the movies (Clint Eastwood was big). Lived in Dorm F and had to spend my day off avoiding the press gang for hatch crew. Names I remember, or maybe just can't forget, include Chief Wagner, and an officer named Nickle Dime Bob. Most memories have been repressed. After that,CINCPACFLT, so things got better. 12/10/2012 1.FullName: Edward F. Scanlan 2.NickName: Ed 3.ArriveDate: 9/01/51 4.DepartDate: 9/01/52 5.RateRating: CTRSN-CTR2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 11/17/2012 1.FullName: William Donald Mechetti 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: sept 1963 4.DepartDate: sept 1964 5.RateRating: CTTSN-CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: exterp2006@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 11/9/2012 1.FullName: James E Jacobs 2.NickName: Jake 3.ArriveDate: Dec 1973 4.DepartDate: Jan 1975 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: james.jacobs@acsalaska.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: My email changed to the above. I am already registered but incorrect email 10/29/2012 1.FullName: George T. Logan Jr. 2.NickName: George 3.ArriveDate: May 1967 4.DepartDate: April 1968 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: Gtloganjr@juno.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Never forget the Anchorage Airport under repair, or the flight out on the pink and brown Reeve Aleutian Airline and an engine that lost oil pressure on our first attempt at a takeoff to Adak, or the fact that it never did level off! Pretty scenery, great climbing Moffet and Adagdak, but overall, (due to a "Dear John") a place I never wanted to return to... til now. Made SN and passed 3RD, and the best entertainment was working the Shotgun, shooting rats, and our beloved Eve-Day-Mid schedule. Kept us too busy to think about how isolated we were! 10/28/2012 1.FullName: JILL WATERS 2.NickName: JILL ALLEN 3.ArriveDate: FEB. 1978 4.DepartDate: FEB. 1979 5.RateRating: RM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: VOICEFEMALE@GMAIL.COM 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 10/23/2012 1.FullName: Milton W. Hill II 2.NickName: Skip 3.ArriveDate: Oct '70 4.DepartDate: Mar '72 5.RateRating: CTA2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: skip.hill@wcc.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Great duty and fantastic tundra stomping and fishing. 10/20/2012 1.FullName: K. Glen Wilcox 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 1985 4.DischargeDate: 1994 5.RateRating: BT1 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: Glenn_wilcox_1966@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: NSGA adak 90 dept. (military police), 1989 thru 1992 10/14/2012 1.FullName: ROBERT A GUARANTE 2.NickName: NEWYORK 3.EnlistDate: 04/11/1971 4.DischargeDate: 02/23/1973 5.RateRating: SN 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: rguarante@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: part of the security group department adak alaska' looking for a friend named benjamin maffetone. who was up there with me at that time. please e-mail if you no him thanks bob 10/8/2012 1.FullName: Barry D Sharp 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 1973-1975 4.DischargeDate: Sept 1975 5.RateRating: PC3 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: Barry.sharp@mchsi.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: I worked in the post office in 1974, Adak is a place out of the Twilight Zone. I was a 17 year old kid and my time on Adak was certainly an adventure of a lifetime. The post office had a cabin out in the Tundra, some great memories., Thanks for putting this website up. 9/29/2012 1.FullName: Dennis E Yates 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 8 November 1966 4.DepartDate: 8 October 1967 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: dennisy56@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Adak was my first tour out of A School and not my favorite year. I was at Zeto Point when they installed new sat antennas in 1967. 9/16/2012 1.FullName: Dave Lindey 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1972 4.DepartDate: June 1973 5.RateRating: CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: dlindey@sw.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Adak is one the special places in the world. We lived on a sheep farm in Scotland (Edzell), traveled and sailed many famous spots, but Adak holds special memories...,,I retired as CTMC in 1991, after a number of years in the NSGR, drilling in Pensacola. Reserve ACTUDU stations included Sabana Seca & Northwest. 9/3/2012 1.FullName: Wilbur Don Ramey 2.NickName: Riley 3.ArriveDate: 3/57 4.DepartDate: 3/58 5.RateRating: Ct2 6.Duty: NRS Adak 7.Email: Tiredcoots@wildblue.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked on the hill, both in section and days. Moonlighted keeping books for the gedunk and club 8/23/2012 1.FullName: Billy Zimkin 2.NickName: Billy 3.ArriveDate: 2/?/68 4.DepartDate: 2/?/69 5.RateRating: CE2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: Zimkin@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was an electrician at the communications base but visited all of the other bases. I hiked all of the peaks and enjoyed camping at the Bay of Islands. I was also active with the Alutian Scuba Divers Club. I drank at the Ptarmagan Club (sp) and remember the 4 dot nights and many of the other promos they had. I enjoyed taking advantage of them all. 8/19/2012 1.FullName: James R King 2.NickName: Jim 3.ArriveDate: 01/20/1959 4.DepartDate: 01/15/1960 5.RateRating: CTO3 - CTO2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: m2jranch@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/27/2012 1.FullName: James Neil WHITE 2.NickName: Whitey 3.ArriveDate: July 1957 4.DepartDate: July 1958 5.RateRating: CTMSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: pensacola@tx.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 1st of two tours 7/23/2012 1.FullName: Karen M (Davis) Lucini 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Oct 1986 4.DepartDate: Dec 23, 1987 5.RateRating: CTM3/CTM2 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: klucini@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: Worked in Comm Maint aka the bicycle repair shop. Mike Buckingham, Bill Rowe, Mike Parkhurst and CMC Stevens were running the shop then, 7/22/2012 1.FullName: William Joseph Stevenson 2.NickName: Bill 3.ArriveDate: 26 Jun 74 4.DepartDate: 30 Jun 76 5.RateRating: CTTC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: billstevensonusnret@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: arrived and deparrted as a CTT1 7/13/2012 1.FullName: Clayton Ayres 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: April, 1959 4.DepartDate: May, 1960 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: northernayres@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Played basketball with Ed Hatcher 7/1/2012 1.FullName: Chris Benson 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 03/72 4.DepartDate: 03/73 5.RateRating: cttsn 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: bensongroup@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: please change my e-mail address thanks! 6/28/2012 1.FullName: Donald J. Barnes 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: August 1959 4.DepartDate: August 1960 5.RateRating: CTRSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: donbarnes@windstream.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked on "the hill" mostly but did work some in HFDF. Worked in the snack bar some. 6/21/2012 1.FullName: Fuhrman 2.NickName: Cal 3.ArriveDate: June 1961 4.DepartDate: March 1962 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: calfuhrman@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was there while the Wullenweber was being built. Worked in P-70 and also one of the first operators to man "The Huts". 6/14/2012 1.FullName: Todd Marx 2.NickName: 3.EnlistDate: 07/08/1969 4.DischargeDate: 08/01/1997 5.RateRating: RM1/RMC 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: TMARX205@CHARTER.NET 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: I was stationed at NSGA Adak from July 1979 to January 1982, I first worked in tech control then worked in MWR. 6/10/2012 1.FullName: Steve Anders 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1978 4.DepartDate: Jan 1979 5.RateRating: Rm3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: slja77@aol.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: 5/19/2012 1.FullName: Luther Laverne Clements 2.NickName: Clem 3.ArriveDate: Jan 1951 4.DepartDate: Jan 1952 5.RateRating: CT2/c 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: cookie296035@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Looking a pictures of Adak now makes me wonder if these pictures are ,of the same Adak I was stationed at. I don't hardly recognize Radio,City as it is now. Things sure have changed since 1951. I would'nt like to spend another year there, but i'm glad to look back and say ,it wasn't so bad after all. 5/10/2012 1.FullName: Robert L. Rawlings 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: April 1955 4.DepartDate: April 1956 5.RateRating: CTSN (0PR) 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: I often re-visit Adak on my lap-top. Who would have thought at the,time that this would possible in our twi-light years. Many fond,memories of shipmates, and the job I was trained to perform. It,was a pleasure serving my country as a member of the U.S. Naval,Security Group. Although I could only see how barren and isolated,Adak was when I arrived, I recall looking back on it with fondness when I departed. 5/8/2012 1.FullName: Stan Brock 2.NickName: Stan 3.ArriveDate: 1968 4.DepartDate: 1969 5.RateRating: CTR3 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: sjbrock312@hotmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/1/2012 1.FullName: berry drake 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Nov 68 4.DepartDate: Sept 70 5.RateRating: CTR1 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/11/2012 1.FullName: Richard Jones 2.NickName: Chief Jones 3.EnlistDate: 10/67 4.DischargeDate: 10/87 5.RateRating: ETC 6.MilitaryStatus: Veteran(USN/USMC) 7.Email: rjones17@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.DutyStns: NSGA at Mt.Moffett from 1980 to 1982 4/9/2012 1.FullName: Michael Dugan 2.NickName: Mickey/Mick 3.ArriveDate: 1955 4.DepartDate: 1956 5.RateRating: CTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: mdugan7@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Worked on the Hill and at the DF station. 4/8/2012 1.FullName: Herbert L. Holton 2.NickName: Herb 3.ArriveDate: April 1959 4.DepartDate: April 1960 5.RateRating: CTTSN 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: herb39h@valornet.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/6/2012 1.FullName: Lowell R Huff 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 4/1971 4.DepartDate: 10/1972 5.RateRating: CTTC 6.Duty: NSGA Adak 7.Email: lowell.huff@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 4/2/2012 1.FullName: Edward D. Kopshever 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 1, 1968 4.DepartDate: May 5, 1969 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: NCS Adak 7.Email: edk730@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: