Sam Vigil

Sam Vigil
Sam Vigil - 1970's

NSG Reserve Alameda, CA 1966 - 1969 (CTSR - CTM3)
NAVOCS 1969 Newport, RI
NAVSECSTA 1969 - 1970
NCTC Corry Field 1970
NAVSECRUACT Sabana Seca 1970 - 1973 (Electronics Maintenance Off.,
Asst HFDF Div Off, Personnel Off)
1973 - 1995 Reserve Duty with Navy Seabees, retired as a CDR 1995.

BS Civil Engr Univ of Calif, Berkeley, 1969
MS Environmental Engr, Texas A&M (GI Bill)
PhD Environmental Engr, Univ of Calif, Davis (GI Bill)

Ham operator since 1961, current rigs, Collins KWM1, ICOM 706 MKII

Ham Radio Articles by Sam Vigil WA6NGH

1. "I'll Be Better Prepared - Next Time" - World Radio June 1997

2. "VHF Adventures in Ireland and Scotland" CQ VHF January 1998 -
My first of several "Ham Radio Adventure" articles for CQ VHF.

3. "Earthquake! Training for the Big One at the California Specialized Training Institute"
QST February 1998.

4. "The Golden Age of Kit Building Returns" - CQ VHF May 1998.

5. "Search and Rescue Bootcamp" - CQ VHF August 1998 -
Second article in the "Ham Radio Adventure" series.

6."The Colorado 14er - VHF Adventures in the Rockies" - CQ VHF February 1999 -
Third article in the "Ham Radio Adventure" series.

7. "Ham Shack in the Wilderness" - CQ June 2000 -
Fourth article in the "Ham Radio Adventure" series.

