Corry Station CTR School Class of July 1985
Photo submitted by    Dave Moser
Names submitted by Jerry Satterfield

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Corry Station CTR School Class of July 1985 - Instructor:  GYSGT Dave Moser USMC

from the left -- GySgt Moser, Barnes (3rd Sailor), James Gist (4th Sailor), BW Chandler (5th Sailor), Dent (6th Sailor), Jerry Satterfield (7th Sailor), Jim Grubbs (last Sailor).... Mary is kneeling in the front.

Corry Station CTR School Class of July 1985 - Instructor:  GYSGT Dave Moser USMC

from the left .... GySgt Moser, Mary (1st Sailor) Bruce Wayne (2nd Sailor) third Sailor (me), Dent (believe 4th Sailor), Barnes (fifth Sailor) Jime Gist (sixth Sailor) ....Grubbs (last Sailor)....Marine on the end went to Cuba forgot his name though.

